
Our Age of the Psychopath, Bernard Pyron

Though psychopaths were a small minority in the recent past, we are now in a time in which larger numbers of people are becoming psychopaths. We now
live in an age of deception and one in which psychopaths are taking over the government and are taking over some large businesses, which to some extent are monopolies. And more women are becoming psychopaths than before.

In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders the Psychopathic Character Disorder is called Antisocial Personality Disorder - DSM 5 301.7.

Those with Antisocial Personality Disorder, or Psychopathic Character Disorder, have impaired moral consciences and are persistent in telling lies.

This means they they have no moral character. They have lost Christian morality, and they are moving into positions of authority and great influence in our society.

A big part of the earlier American culture and the American Birthright was the idea that the individual has God given rights. Isaiah 10 : 1-2 : "Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed. To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right of the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless."

There are some other verses in the Old Testament about the rights of the people. See Lamentations 3: 33-36, and Malachi 3: 5.

The Great Awakening Protestant Revivals right before the Revolutionary War helped establish the American Birthright. But - the Baby Boomer Generation and later generations have lost the American Birthright.

A Protestant Christian Awakening is necessary to defeat the rise of the psychopaths. There is some awakening going on. And some in the Conservative movements are Protestant Christians.