

US claims Russia behind Ukraine bank hacks comes as a "cyber incident" first detected last week has interrupted some of the Canadian foreign ministry's "internet-based services," the Canadian government said Monday. Self-described "cyberterrorist" who rose to infamy as a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous is taking credit for the recent breach of GiveSendGo that released the names of donors to the Canadian trucker convoy. In a video posted to his TikTok account, Aubrey Cottle claimed he hacked the fundraising website that the "Freedom Convoy" truckers used to raise money for their protests.

This comes as Trudeau threatens to freeze protesters accounts, claiming to be financed offshore, as New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern claims protesters backed by "foreign: groups. Neither offered any empirical examples to prove their conspiracy theories. Christian Leuprecht, a professor at the Royal Military College and Queen’s University, told journalists “the amount of money that’s being raised, the pace at which it’s being raised, raises serious questions about the sources of the money,” and that it’s “not inconceivable” that some might have come from Russia. He could not provide any examples to support this conspiracy theory. Squirrel also said his organization hasn’t collected any evidence that’s the case here, but it is “something that I would never rule out.”

On Thursday February 2022 Wellington New Zealand the Official Committee for Domestic and External Security Coordination (ODESC) met. ODESC provides strategic advice to the Prime Minister on security and intelligence matters to discuss the Wellington Convoy protest. The group includes bosses from police, the two spy agencies, foreign affairs, and the Defence Force who would provide intelligence from NZ allies in the UK Australia USA Canadian who are all incidentally pushing for the passing of digital passport and social credit system.New Zealand & Canada have been excluded from the new UKAUSUSA (mispronounced orca) which upgrades the Five Eyes spy system after the spying scandal of Canadian Analyst Cameroon Ortis who was found leaking data to organised crime groups.

Prior the 2018 spy bust of Ortis handled an investigation into billions of Russian dollars passed through NZ Australia Canada by Russia element aligned with western oligarch (such as Kiwi based Stephen Jennings whose banks can be connected to the billion laundered) who help plunder Russian critical infrastructure and resources following the end of Perestroika in the 1990's. Jennings who wrote the foreword of David Seymour books is a former treasury official who is now based in Africa and involved in building smart cities at less one affiliate of his said to have donated $65,000 to the NZPP then led by a former cultural ambassador to former NZ PM Helen Clark's UNDP and investment adviser to Canadian Indigenous aimed Chinese investors Billy Te Kaha, an supporter of QAnon conspiracy theories, who is under investigation for his 2020 election donations used for personal benefit such as a $NZ160,000 dollar top of the line Range Rover. Until then Billy was supported by American Michael Stace, a former adviser to Clark and member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officials who has distanced himself from Billy's donations. It has been claimed Billy TK's account has been frozen but no evidence has been offered to support this.

The Alfa Bank Russia was also tied to the Ortis's Russian 'investigation' is one of Russia’s biggest banks and whose owners have longstanding ties to Mr. Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu who was accused of running a secret cyber-communications channel between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian authorities which however the Democrats failed to prove. On June 11, the bank filed lawsuits alleging a criminal conspiracy by unidentified defendants (John Doe), who ostensibly forged emails by manipulating DNS data to make it appear that the bank was communicating with the Trump Organization. where the companies that owned and administered the Trump server are located. We now know this hack can be traced back to the Clinton/ Biden election team.

Russia's Alfa Group Consortium, to complicate things, is controlled by Russian oligarch Mikhail Friedman, chairman of the Altimo Foundation charity which donated to progressive causes and was headed by Mike Moore a former New Zealand Prime Minister under Labour and a former head of the WTO and a UN Migration Envoy. Moore was also the architect of the Global Migration Pact which is a reinvented version of the WTO World Without Borders that was opposed by the left during the Seattle WTO Protest of 1995. The so called progressive left (actually followers of neoliberalism) despised World Without Borders and saw it as the tool of corporate globalism it is (cheap labour and sweat shops) until the 2019 shooting by Brenton Tarrant, in Moore's old stomping Christchurch on March 5th 2019, as he wore the mission patch of the US Israeli financed Azov Battalion. The shooting would galvanise support for the Migration and stop criticism of its exploitative nature.

For the record it's the view of this author that neither Trump, the Clintons, or Joe Biden are snow white (this is not a tale of god guys versus bad guys) and their paths are not entirely unconnected when we look at how the money trail of the Trump, Clinton Global Initiative and Russian crime money entering the US has all seem to lead to the NY branch of Deutsch bank and JPMorgan.

Following the bust of Ortis a re-examination of that data resulted in 70 million frozen belonging to a donor of Trudeau Chinese-Canadian businessman Xiao Hua Gong and a 170 million frozen by NZ police of the banker of Russian hackers Fancy Bears Alexander Vinik who has thousands of front firms set up in NZ. Several of which set off multiple alarms dating back to 2003 but were not acted on until Ortis was arrested and the data reexamined.

The laundering ring Ortis was meant to investigate also included transactions involving Renaissance Moscow, a merchant bank begun by the man who helped bankroll John Key’s stint as New Zealand Prime Minister (following Keys career in Merill Lynch) in 2008 assisted by a share holder in Yuko Oil Richard V Allen the former national Security Adviser under Reagn and the man credited with initiating the Iran Contra scald in the 1980s which saw the US fiance Islamic and far right groups simultaneously.

Stephen Jennings formerly of Credit Suisse and before that the New Zealand Treasury Department. The head of Renaissance (who handled the sales of Yukoa following it nationalisation by Putin following it rule in tax evasion) at the time is named Igor Sagiryan with Yuri Sagaidak, a former KGB general named as the vice president of Renaissance Capital. Later events show Renaissance who had pre Putin enjoyed good relations with Russia was in the business of diddling both Russia and the USA by aligning its self with organised crime, or at the very least allowing its self to become a vehicle which facilitated such crimes. Igor Sagiryan was born in Tbilisi in 1952, graduated from Moscow State University and completed a joint post-graduate program of the Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies and Harvard University. In 1987, he headed the department of press and information at the Committee for Youth Organizations of the USSR. In 1988–1989, he worked as a consultant at the International Department of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1991, Sagiryan helped Vladimir Putin launch a foreign investment bank subsidiary.A further two ex FSB operatives and Renaissance employee were accused by the FBI hacking 500 million Yahoo email accounts in method closely resembling the Microsoft hack (while Wikileaks shows a record of corrupt US officials, within the Clinton administration, using Yahoo account to send email with sensitive information despite the Yahoo hack being common knowledge).

Following the bust of Ortis, the Canadian spy, a re-examination of that data resulted in 70 million frozen belonging to a donor of Trudeau Chinese-Canadian businessman Xiao Hua Gong and a 170 million frozen by NZ police of the banker of Russian hackers Fancy Bears Alexander Vinik who has thousands of front firms set up in NZ several of which set off multiple alarms dating back to 2003 but were not acted on until Ortis was arrested and the data reexamined.
