The aim of this study was to explore and analyze how cultural/ethnic minority students at a Swedish medical school perceive and make sense of educational experiences they viewed as related to their minority position. We interviewed 18 medical students (10 women, and 8 men), who self-identified as coming from minority backgrounds. Data were collected and analyzed simultaneously, inspired by constructivist grounded theory methodology. The concepts 'everyday racism' and 'racial microaggressions' served as a theoretical framework for understanding how inequities were experienced and understood. Participants described regularly encountering subtle adverse treatment from supervisors, peers, staff, and patients. Lack of support from bystanders was a common dimension of their stories. These experiences marked interviewees' status as 'Other' and made them feel less worthy as medical students. Interviewees struggled to make sense of being downgraded, excluded, and discerned as different, but seldom used terms like being a victim of discrimination or racism. Instead, they found other explanations by individualizing, renaming, and relativizing their experiences. Our results indicate that racialized minority medical students encounter repeated practices that, either intentionally or inadvertently, convey disregard and sometimes contempt based on ideas about racial and/or cultural 'Otherness'. However, most hesitated to name the behaviors and comments experienced as "discriminatory" or "racist", likely because of prevailing ideas about Sweden and, in particular, medical school as exempt from racism, and beliefs that racial discrimination can only be intentional. To counteract this educational climate of exclusion medical school leadership should provide supervisors, students, and staff with theoretical concepts for understanding discrimination and racism, encourage them to engage in critical self-reflection on their roles in racist power relations, and offer training for bystanders to become allies to victims of racism.Contemporary health policy discourse renders individuals responsible for managing their health by means of digital technology. Seeing the digital as productive of citizenship, rather than facilitative of it, this paper unpacks the contested role of technology in acts of digital health citizenship. Drawing on longitudinal data collected in the English healthcare context, this article shows that digital health citizenship is produced through patients' involvement in the generation of health knowledge, including 'big' health data, digital artefacts, experiential knowledge and service feedback. The paper adds to existing literature by disaggregating the contested role of technology in displays of digital health citizenship, showing that digital health technology can give rise to expressions of altruism, belonging, and demands for recognition and change in healthcare, whilst responsibilising citizens for the care of themselves and others. The discussion shows how, rather than merely facilitating the actions of a free and autonomous subject, this citizenship often becomes algorithmically produced (e.g. through nudges) and remains isolated to separate instances of engagement without a long-term orientation. Our study enriches the growing sociological literature on health citizenship by exploring how digital technology produces health citizenship at the intersection of biosociality and technosociality.Teenage pregnancy is associated with numerous health risks, both to mothers and infants, and may contribute to entrenched social inequalities. In countries with high rates of teenage pregnancy there is disagreement on effective action to reduce rates. England's Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, which cost £280 million over its ten year implementation period, has been highlighted as an effective way of reducing pregnancies after rates fell by more than 50% from 1998 to 2014 and widely advocated as a replicable model for other countries. However, it is not clear whether the fall is attributable to the strategy or to background trends and other events. We aimed to evaluate the impact of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy on pregnancy and birth rates using comparators. We compared under-18 pregnancy rates in England with Scotland and Wales using interrupted time series methods. We compared under-18 birth rates and under-20 pregnancy rates in England with European and English-speaking high-income countries using synthetic control methods. In the controlled interrupted time series analyses, trends in rates of teenage pregnancy in England closely followed those in Scotland (0.08 fewer pregnancies per 1000 women per year in England; -0.74 to 0.59) and Wales (0.14 more pregnancies per 1000 women per year in England; -0.48 to 0.76). In synthetic control analyses, under-18 birth rates were very similar in England and the synthetic control. Under-20 pregnancy rates were marginally higher in England than control. Although teenage pregnancies and births in England fell following implementation of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, comparisons with other countries suggest the strategy had little, if any, effect on pregnancy rates. This raises doubts about whether the strategy should be used as a model for future public health interventions in countries aiming to reduce teenage pregnancy.
There is a small but growing body of literature on litigation- and compensation-related stress after disasters. Results of these studies are consistent and unsurprising compensation processes are a source of stress to plaintiffs and their families. "Litigation Response Syndrome"-anxiety, stress, and depression-is common among those exposed to the pressures of litigation (Lees-Haley 1988). However, little is known about how compensation processes-claims, litigation, and settlements-affect communities at large.
Building on prior research, we examine adverse impacts of compensation processes in Roane County, Tennessee five years following the Tennessee Valley Authority coal ash spill. We investigate whether compensation-related stress occurs at a community level, as well as avoidance behaviors as measured by the Impact of Event Scale.
Based on data from a 2014 household mail survey of a random sample of 716 residents of Roane County, we examine the relationship between compensation processes and event-related avoidance behaviors.