Day 1, Im here because the blockchain technology used for this system leaves open the possibility of preventing China and Russia from censoring social media. No one likes censorship, but i do have fears that this system will be used by Russia and China to attack the united states to attack Americas biggest weakness, our freedom of speech but it also provides a platform for the crazy and gives it equal voice. I challenge Sovern to do two things to prevent this from happening. One require captcha for every post. Two require any article posted be read before reposting it. People reposting garbage because they agree with the bias of a post headlines leads to massive forest fires of gossip. The tragidy is that gossip spreads faster than light on social media, while thoughtgul people who really take the time to validate what they repost wait 3 days to vet, it has that delay and so rational thought doesnt spread anywhere as fast as gossip on social media.