8 hrs ago

re. Each autoantibody has a different mechanism of action to create the pathological state, some have direct effect, and some indirectly impact implantation. In future, further high-quality studies need to be performed for better understanding.
The aim Of the work is to find a scientifically based approach to improve the health of teachers on the basis of a comprehensive socio-hygienic analysis of the factors that affect the state of their health. Identify the main aspects of psychological work with teachers to support the mechanisms of self-regulation of their psychological health.

Materials and methods Theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; сomparison; generalization; systematization. The article presents the current problem of modernity - the mental health of teachers of higher education. Criteria, quality categories, levels, principles of ensuring the mental health of the teacher as a person are analyzed. The components of mental health are compared.

Conclusions The concept of professional psychological health as a process of scientific understanding of the teachers practice involves the development of a comprehensive program for teacher's health care, which will include all areas informational social and personal levels. They should form the concept of health in students during the process of their professional activities. Teachers use various forms of organizational, educational, volunteer work and different new technologies to preserve their own health and create the environment with the appropriate social conditions, where students can take responsibility for their own actions, deeds, work, leading a healthy lifestyle.
The aim Analyze the ophthalmic studies on diagnostics and treatment of patients with age-related macular degeneration to optimize diagnostics and management tactics.

Materials and methods The analysis of scientific papers due to age-related macular degeneration, vitamin D and its functions from scientometric databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science. The methods were next systematic approach, analysis, summarization and comparison.

Conclusions Age-related macular degeneration is a chronic, progressive disease among people older than 50 years. Late diagnostics and inappropriate treatment may lead to irreversible central vision loss and social disadaptation. Modern studies on the pathogenesis and treatment of this pathology (that are due to the role of the immune system, antioxidants and microelements) demonstrate the effectiveness and prospects for further development around the world to find new ways to solve this problem.
Conclusions Age-related macular degeneration is a chronic, progressive disease among people older than 50 years. Late diagnostics and inappropriate treatment may lead to irreversible central vision loss and social disadaptation. Modern studies on the pathogenesis and treatment of this pathology (that are due to the role of the immune system, antioxidants and microelements) demonstrate the effectiveness and prospects for further development around the world to find new ways to solve this problem.
The aim To realize analysis and assessment of completeness and efficacy in the field of perinatal aid regionalization in Ukraine.

Materials and methods A retrospective analysis has been carried out as well as assessment of inculcation steps concerning regionalization of perinatal health care in Ukraine according to the data of state and branch statistics and monitoring (in 2013-2017). The methods used here are systemic approach, bibliography method, and statistical data evaluation.

Conclusions It is shown the modern globally acknowledged three-level system of perinatal health care has been organized and functions in Ukraine, perinatal tertiary level centers are now act in the majority of regions. The perinatal health care realization during these last years is shown to be able to assure the providing of adequate perinatal aid taking into consideration the calculated data concerning the pregnant women concentration with high perinatal risks in third level institutions; these patients include pregnant wom assure 62%-64.5% of births with body mass 500-999 g and 53.9%-55.3% of ones with body mass 1000-1499 g in perinatal clinics of the third level; it guarantees the survival of newborn babies with body mass 500-999 g and 1000-1499 g during their first 168 h reaching 60.1-65.1% and 89.4%-90.4%, respectively. Efficacy of perinatal aid regionalization is confirmed by a positive tendency of perinatal mortality index; it has become significantly lower in 2010, the perinatal mortality reached 10.54 cases per 1,000 of newborn alive and dead babies, this index having dropped to 8.89 in 2019. The maternal mortality levels have also decreased from 23.5 up to 14.9 cases per 100,000 of babies born alive. Perinatal aid regionalization in Ukraine is being realized according to international strategies permitting to provide effective perinatal aid to patients at each level of its provision depending on patient's need.
The aim Theoretical substantiation and determination of the main characteristics of the interaction links of medical institutions within one hospital district in the conditions of aggravation of the epidemiological situation in Ukraine on the analysis basis of the legislative base and elaboration of literary sources.

Materials and methods In the work is used a range of methods content analysis, bibliosemantic, systematic approach, analysis of products of activity.

Conclusions The authors propose a doctrinal definition of the term "hospital district". The key problems of the domestic healthcare sector in the context of a pandemic have also been identified. The author points out that in order to successfully reform the health care system and the effective interaction of hospitals in one hospital district, it is necessary to pay attention to funding sources and proper legal regulation, as without the latter any initiatives will have no legal force and will be ignored. health care may be ineffective.
Conclusions The authors propose a doctrinal definition of the term "hospital district". The key problems of the domestic healthcare sector in the context of a pandemic have also been identified. The author points out that in order to successfully reform the health care system and the effective interaction of hospitals in one hospital district, it is necessary to pay attention to funding sources and proper legal regulation, as without the latter any initiatives will have no legal force and will be ignored. health care may be ineffective.
The aim To analyze the data of social health determinants - life expectancy of population and infant mortality in neighboring countries Ukraine and Poland in cut-away of territory habitation.

Materials and methods The statistical materials of the Ukrainian and Polish information sources were used in this work SI "The center of medical statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", The state statistics service of Ukraine, The central statistical management of Poland (Główny Urząd Statystyczny). Methods of system approach, bibliosemantic, statistical, analytical were used for analysis.

Results In both countries, Poland and Ukraine, the general dynamics as to the growth of an average life expectancy (ALE) among men and women was observed during 28 years of surveillance, and in both countries it was revealed that the ALE indices in women were much higher than in men. Within the last five years, there is a considerable tendency of decrease in the infant death rate in Ukraine, while in Poland this index is inside the countries and international collaboration between the countries.
The aim Development of practical recommendations to further improve students' adaptation to a multicultural university environment as a factor in ensuring their health.

Materials and methods The publication is based on the results of a comprehensive multi-purpose randomized epidemiological study using a standardized questionnaire. Questionnaire results (n = 355) were tested for paired correlations of all considered factors.

Results 93,8 % of respondents positively assessed their overall health with a mode of 3 (satisfactory health). In general, students' health was not particularly sensitive to the effects of temporal and natural factors. Recommendations have been developed to improve students' adaptation to the university's multinational environment, including by preventing stressful situations. It is important that students are sufficiently informed, financially secure, and mentally prepared for student life.

Conclusions The key to safeguarding students' health is developing their skills in adapting to a multinational university environment.
Conclusions The key to safeguarding students' health is developing their skills in adapting to a multinational university environment.
The aim Of the work was to develop clinical and organizational regulations ensuring infectious safety and epidemiological response in the work process (the case of COVID-19) based on the current legislative acts of Ukraine to combat the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as well as on the data from international practices.

Materials and methods The research objective was carried out in accordance with the Methodology for the development of medical and technological documents for the standardization of medical care.

Results The Protocol includes organizational elements to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease, such as "The development of general provisions on infectious safety and antiepidemic measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in the company's workplaces, taking into account the legislative acts of Ukraine and international practices", which include the development of "Health Questionnaire" (epidemiological data questionnaire) for daily monitoring of the company employee health; the development of "Checklist for self-assessment of the workplace", "Checklist for self-assessment of the public space"; the development of "Analytical report on compliance with the infectious safety rules in the workplace and in the public space on the basis of self-assessment", thirteen Appendices.

Conclusions "The Protocol for infectious safety and antiepidemic measures in the work process" is a detailed instruction that provides a balance of compliance with medical standards and reasonable needs of employees and employers through the implementation of scientific evidence base in antiepidemic and infectious safety measures in the workplace.
Conclusions "The Protocol for infectious safety and antiepidemic measures in the work process" is a detailed instruction that provides a balance of compliance with medical standards and reasonable needs of employees and employers through the implementation of scientific evidence base in antiepidemic and infectious safety measures in the workplace.
The aim To assess the impact of adverse factors on the lifestyle and health status of students in conditions of prolonged isolation.

Materials and methods Data collection was carried out by anonymous survey using the survio.com online survey service. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pf-05221304.html The study involved 273 students of Kharkiv National Medical University 47 men (17,2%) and 226 women (82,8%) aged 17 to 20. Age of 85% of respondents is 18-20 years old. 38 (13,9%) students are from 21 to 25 years old and 3 students (1,1%) - over 25 years old.

Results A comparative analysis revealed the characteristic changes in the students' lifestyle. If under normal conditions the majority of students (63.7%) use their free time for walks outdoors, and 46.5% spend it at the computer, then during quarantine most respondents spend leisure time in front of a computer monitor (64.8%) or watching TV (71.4%). These indices were the result of a direct restriction on the interaction of students with the environment and the prohibition of their stay outside the zone of residence.