
Hi Everybody,
As I am on a quest to learn the truth about God and Jesus Christ, I have stumbled on to some pretty scary stuff. Did you know that most of the Christian Faith has abolished the 4th Commandment about keeping God’s law in respect to observing the 7th day holy Sabbath. So that means most Christians are living with 9 Commandment! I don’t know exactly why yet but I will find out. Also most Christians are worshiping on Sunday the 1st day of the week and Satan’s pagan sun worshiping day. Now about the Sabbath: there were actually 2 of them the Annual (ritual) Sabbath and the 7th day holy Sabbath. Yes, Jesus did form Christianity and yes, he did abolish A Sabbath and it was the Annual (ritual) Sabbath made by man, for man. Jesus was never about abolishing the 7th day holy Sabbath. After all would the Son disobey the Fathers Law? I think not! It is looking more like the great deception expert, Satan may play a hand in this (speculation but I will find out). And I believe it is more then just happen chance that most Christians worship on Satan’s pagan day ( again, speculation but I will find out). Reminder, Satan is the god of the Earth. The bottom line is most Christians are committing a national sin by breaking God’s 7th day holy Sabbath law. It appears that 40 years roaming the desert with Moses and 2,520 years of God denying the people of Israel (our ancestors and they were not Jews) there birthright has not allowed us to follow God’s Law, yet to date. It’s Deja vu all over again only worse this time!
The following is the message I have been giving the people, it contains God’s word and his Prophets all verifiable through the Old and New Testaments and between the Godless and total Atheist and Christians, they mostly are all wanting to burn me on a cross. Now at least a have an idea how Jesus felt. I guess they can’t handle the truth:

Most Christians are making a big mistake!! You have to study the Old Testament, again! In the New Testament Colossians 2:16 is talking about the annual (ritual) Sabbaths not the holy 7th day Sabbath! God has a sign between Him and His people. Jesus said that He is the Lord of Sabbath not from Sunday. Are most Christian’s keeping just 9 commandments? Because the 10 Commandments are still remaining in our days and are in full force and effect. See also Exodus 16:16-30
And, please don’t say that it is not valid just because it is in the Old Testament! God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And just because it says Old Testament doesn’t say that it is not to do! The Bible never mentions the Sunday as the holy day. And by the way you will keep the holy 7th day Sabbath in new earth as Isaiah says in Chapter 66. And the Sabbath is a specific day! God was not tired on the seventh day! He was giving us the example! And we must do the same. The Bible mentions two kinds of Sabbaths: Sabbath 7th day the 4th Commandment and the annual (ritual) Sabbaths. The annual (ritual) Sabbaths they are connected with the history of Israel. Col 2:16,17 says quoting from KJV : Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath {days}: {in meat…: or, for eating and drinking} {respect: or, part}Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body {is} of Christ. Also Hebrews 10:1 connects the law of shadow with the animal sacrifice. Paul quoted Ez.45:17 in the same way as used in Col.2:16-17 here it is connecting to the ceremonial system Lev.23;3 presents the Sabbath 7th day and Lev. 23:5-32 the ceremonial Sabbaths. The bottom line is the 7th day holy Sabbath the 4th Commandment has not changed it is part of God’s Laws the annual (ritual) Sabbath is the Sabbath Jesus Christ said the people could abolish. So why is it the majority of Christian churches are breaking the Sabbath and holding Services on Sunday the day of Satan’s pagan Sun worship and the 1st day of the week??? God came to Earth to establish his laws not to abolish them! God bless you