
I would like to believe that the government and government leaders, corporate America and corporate leaders, social media and social media owners ...and the list goes on...has my better interest at heart, but what COVID has proven is that, for them, the social and government elites, it has always been about power and controlling others and making us their subjects. No more Jack! For the 90% who can see the truth of what I have written, then please do not simply walk away from the Democratic party, RUN!!! RUN in any direction, choose any other party, start a new party, but say NO to government controlling our kids, say NO to Social Media giants controlling / trolling our kids, say NO to the indoctrination by the Democratically controlled public school system. Say YES to teachers being able to teach again, say YES to teachers ruling over administration at every level, using the principle of subsidiarity. Say YES to alternatives to all social media use and say YES to parents able to easily set ALL controls on what their kids can see on the internet, say YES to allowing prayer and religion in all our public schools as options for those who desire to participate!!! We are already a socialist country and only a few more steps and our new leader will have the name Xi in it.