
Just listened to Pelosi… yeah, I listen. I’ve made this point before.
Healthcare: American Medicine USED TO BE, the “Global Standard”. For 20 years, 1988 to 2008, the Death Rates from all causes decreased EVERY YEAR! Those of my generation may recall all the emphasis on “Well Care” in the 90’s. We could afford “Well Care” and Health Insurance back then. Due to basic economics, “Supply and Demand”, the COST began to go up, and Employers began to reduce healthcare benefits. Americans began to abandon “Well Care” and costs continued to go up and benefits down. The result, was Death Rates began to go up in 2009. Obamacare was passed in 2010. Political Reports indicated that 7 million Americans gained Health Insurance when fully implemented in 2013. What wasn’t publicized was 127 million Americans who lost their policies and doctors. Healthcare costs soared! 2014 saw a dramatic spike in Death Rates in America and have continued to rise every year since. We need to FULLY SEPARATE Government from Healthcare!!!
Note: The “Health Emergency” of 2020 was NOT an emergency. The growth in Death Rates in 2020, was the lowest since 2013.


Chart and table of the U.S. death rate from 1950 to 2021. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100.
