
The role of the lectin pathway of complement in the pathogenesis of interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) is largely unknown. Pattern recognition receptors (PRR) of the lectin pathway are involved in the clearance of apoptotic cells either via activation of the complement system or as direct opsonins. As recent findings suggest a role of apoptosis in the development of pulmonary fibrosis, the influence of plasma lectins has lately been considered in various ILDs, but data on local concentrations in the lungs are lacking. This study investigated the role of mannose-binding lectin (MBL), ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 in ILD patients with a focus on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and sarcoidosis.

A case control study was conducted involving 80 patients with different forms of ILD as well as 40 control patients undergoing routine flexible bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Plasma and BAL fluid (BALF) levels of MBL, ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 as well as complement split products C4d and C5a (only in BALF)tient cohort are required to confirm or refute a potential effect of local and/or systemic ficolin-2 levels in IPF patients.Obesity induces gut leakage and elevates serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major cell wall component of Gram-negative bacteria, through gut translocation. Because Candida albicans is prominent in human gut but not in mouse, C. albicans, a source of (1→3)-β-D-glucan (BG) in gut contents, was administered in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mice at 1 week before sepsis induction by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). As such, sepsis in Candida-administered obese mice was more severe than obese mice without Candida as determined by mortality, organ injury (liver and kidney), serum cytokines, gut leakage, endotoxemia, serum BG, and fecal Gram-negative bacteria (microbiome analysis). Mice subjected to CLP and fed a HFD, but not treated with Candida demonstrated a similar mortality to non-obese mice with more severe gut leakage and higher serum cytokines. In vitro experiments demonstrated that LPS plus BG (LPS + BG) induced higher supernatant cytokines from hepatocytes (HepG2) and macrophages (RAW264.7), compared with the activation by each molecule alone, and were amplified by palmitic acid, a representative saturated fatty acid. The energy production capacity of HepG2 cells was also decreased by LPS + BG compared with LPS alone as evaluated by extracellular flux analysis. However, Lactobacillus rhamnosus L34 (L34) improved sepsis, regardless of Candida administration, through the attenuation of gut leakage and gut dysbiosis. In conclusion, an impact of gut Candida was demonstrated by Candida pretreatment in obese mice that worsened sepsis through (1) gut dysbiosis-induced gut leakage and (2) amplified systemic inflammation due to LPS, BG, and saturated fatty acid.Numerous inflammatory skin disorders display a high prevalence of itch. The Mas-related G protein coupled receptor X2 (MRGPRX2) has been shown to modulate itch by inducing non-IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation and the release of endogenous inducers of pruritus. Various substances collectively known as basic secretagogues, which include inflammatory peptides and certain drugs, can trigger MRGPRX2 and thereby induce pseudo-allergic reactions characterized by histamine and protease release as well as inflammation. Here, we investigated the capacity of an immunomodulatory single-stranded oligonucleotide (ssON) to modulate IgE-independent mast cell degranulation and, more specifically, its ability to inhibit the basic secretagogues compound 48/80 (C48/80)-and LL-37 in vitro and in vivo. We examined the effect of ssON on MRGPRX2 activation in vitro by measuring degranulation in a human mast cell line (LAD2) and calcium influx in MRGPRX2-transfected HEK293 cells. To determine the effect of ssON on itch, we perforould be used as a prospective drug candidate to resolve itch and inflammation in certain dermatoses.Natural killer (NK) cells are an important component of the innate immune system for the control of intracellular pathogens and cancer cells. NK cells demonstrate heterogeneous expression of inhibitory surface receptors. Signaling through these various receptors during NK cell development promotes functionality, referred to as NK cell education. Here we investigated the impact of education on NK cell metabolism through functional assessment of critical metabolic pathways and calcium signaling. Educated NK cells had an increased uptake of the metabolic substrates 2-NBDG, a fluorescent glucose analog, and BODIPY FL C16, a fluorescent palmitate, compared to uneducated NK cells. Comparison of NK cells educated via KIRs or NKG2A showed that NKG2A-educated NK cells were the main contributor to these differences in uptake of metabolites, and that NKG2A-educated NK cells were functionally more resilient in response to metabolic blockade of oxidative phosphorylation. Furthermore, NKG2A-educated NK cells exhibited higher peak calcium concentration following stimulation, indicating stronger signaling events taking place in these educated NK cells. These results demonstrate that cellular metabolism plays an important role in the functional differences observed between educated and uneducated NK cells, and show that NKG2A-educated NK cells remain more functionally competent than KIR-educated NK cells when oxidative phosphorylation is restricted. Understanding metabolic programming during NK cell education may unveil future targets to manipulate NK cell function for use in clinical settings, such as cancer therapies.The R47H variant in the microglial triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cell 2 (TREM2) receptor is a strong risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). To characterize processes affected by R47H, we performed an integrative network analysis of genes expressed in brains of AD patients with R47H, sporadic AD without the variant, and patients with polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL), systemic disease with early-onset dementia caused by loss-of-function mutations in TREM2 or its adaptor TYRO protein tyrosine kinase-binding protein (TYROBP). Although sporadic AD had few perturbed microglial and immune genes, TREM2 R47H AD demonstrated upregulation of interferon type I response and pro-inflammatory cytokines accompanied by induction of NKG2D stress ligands. In contrast, PLOSL had distinct sets of highly perturbed immune and microglial genes that included inflammatory mediators, immune signaling, cell adhesion, and phagocytosis. TREM2 knockout (KO) in THP1, a human myeloid cell line that constitutively expresses the TREM2- TYROBP receptor, inhibited response to the viral RNA mimetic poly(IC) and phagocytosis of amyloid-beta oligomers; overexpression of ectopic TREM2 restored these functions. Compared with wild-type protein, R47H TREM2 had a higher stimulatory effect on the interferon type I response signature. Our findings point to a role of the TREM2 receptor in the control of the interferon type I response in myeloid cells and provide insight regarding the contribution of R47H TREM2 to AD pathology.Currently three bona fide dendritic cell (DC) types are distinguished in human blood. Herein we focus on type 2 DCs (DC2s) and compare the three defining markers CD1c, CD172, and CD301. When using CD1c to define DC2s, a CD14+ and a CD14- subset can be detected. The CD14+ subset shares features with monocytes, and this includes substantially higher expression levels for CD64, CD115, CD163, and S100A8/9. We review the current knowledge of these CD1c+CD14+ cells as compared to the CD1c+CD14- cells with respect to phenotype, function, transcriptomics, and ontogeny. Here, we discuss informative mutations, which suggest that two populations have different developmental requirements. In addition, we cover subsets of CD11c+CD8- DC2s in the mouse, where CLEC12A+ESAMlow cells, as compared to the CLEC12A-ESAMhigh subset, also express higher levels of monocyte-associated markers CD14, CD3, and CD115. Finally, we summarize, for both man and mouse, the data on lower antigen presentation and higher cytokine production in the monocyte-marker expressing DC2 subset, which demonstrate that the DC2 subsets are also functionally distinct.Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a last resort, potentially curative treatment option for pediatric patients with refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Cord blood transplantation (CBT) results in less relapses and less graft-versus-host disease when compared to other sources. Nevertheless, still more than half of the children die from relapses. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/1-deoxynojirimycin.html We therefore designed a strategy to prevent relapses by inducing anti-AML immunity after CBT, using a CB-derived dendritic cell (CBDC) vaccine generated from CD34+ CB cells from the same graft. We here describe the optimization and validation of good manufacturing practice (GMP)-grade production of the CBDC vaccine. We show the feasibility of expanding low amounts of CD34+ cells in a closed bag system to sufficient DCs per patient for at least three rounds of vaccinations. The CBDCs showed upregulated costimulatory molecules after maturation and showed enhanced CCR7-dependent migration toward CCL19 in a trans-well migrations assay. CBDCs expressed Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1) protein after electroporation with WT1-mRNA, but were not as potent as CBDCs loaded with synthetic long peptides (peptivator). The WT1-peptivator loaded CBDCs were able to stimulate T-cells both in a mixed lymphocyte reaction as well as in an antigen-specific (autologous) setting. The autologous stimulated T-cells lysed not only the WT1+ cell line, but most importantly, also primary pediatric AML cells. Altogether, we provide a GMP-protocol of a highly mature CBDC vaccine, loaded with WT1 peptivator and able to stimulate autologous T-cells in an antigen-specific manner. Finally, these T-cells lysed primary pediatric AML demonstrating the competence of the CBDC vaccine strategy.Sepsis/endotoxemia activates the NLRP3 inflammasome of macrophages leading to the maturation and release of IL-1β, an important mediator of the inflammatory response. Reactive oxygen species have been implicated in NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Further, our preliminary studies indicated that LPS challenge of cardiac fibroblasts could phosphorylate protein kinase R (PKR) on threonine 451 and increase message for pro-IL-1 β. Thus, the major aim of the present study was to address the role of PKR and the oxidant, peroxynitrite, in the two-tiered function of the NLRP3 inflammasome (priming and activation). Materials and Methods Isolated murine fibroblasts were primed with LPS (1 μg/ml) for 6 h and subsequently activated by an ATP (3 mM) challenge for 30 min to induce optimum functioning of the inflammasome. Increased levels of NLRP3 and pro-IL-1β protein (Western) were used as readouts for inflammasome priming, while activation of caspase 1 (p20) (Western) and secretion of IL-1β (ELISA) were indicative of inflammasome activation. Results Inhibition of PKR (PKR inhibitor or siRNA) prior to priming with LPS prevented the LPS-induced increase in NLRP3 and pro-IL-1β expression. Further, inhibition of PKR after priming, but before activation, did not affect NLRP3 or pro-IL-1β protein levels, but markedly reduced the activation of caspase 1 and secretion of mature IL-1β. In a similar fashion, a peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst (Fe-TPPS) prevented both the priming and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Finally, pretreatment of the fibroblasts with Fe-TPPS prevented the LPS-induced PKR phosphorylation (T451). Conclusion Our results indicate that peroxynitrite-/PKR pathway modulates priming and activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in LPS/ATP challenged cardiac fibroblasts.