
Leading House Republican Makes Stunning Discovery - MAJOR Biden Scandal

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) is delving into who is truly “calling the shots” under President Joe Biden’s administration. As part of this effort, he has issued subpoenas to three relatively unknown White House staffers to investigate whether a “shadow government” has been operating throughout Biden’s presidency.

The Kentucky Republican further explained that the GOP has utilized various sources, including dissatisfied Democrats, to identify three White House staff members he referred to as the “gatekeepers for Joe Biden.” These individuals, he said, have “shielded him” from Cabinet secretaries and much of the media.
“They shielded him from lots of people that probably could have sounded the alarm much earlier than, than a week ago that Joe Biden wasn’t mentally able to serve as president. So we’ve subpoenaed them. No one had ever heard of any of the three, including myself, prior to determining that these were the three to subpoena. We’re gonna bring them in and we’re gonna ask them questions and we’re gonna see if, in fact, there was a cover-up, number one, and number two, even worse, we’re gonna determine whether or not there’s been a shadow government,” Comer continued, asserting that “Biden has not been in charge for quite some time.”