
Eigen Layer: Security and Performance Scaling Solution for Ethereum
Ethereum is becoming increasingly accessible to more users, and improving user experience is becoming more important. Understanding this, EigenLayer is an ambitious project that aims to improve blockchain performance by adding an additional rollup layer to the system. This layer allows developers to build more complex and efficient decentralised applications (dApps). In this article, Unich Analysis will help readers learn about Eigen Layer.

What is Eigen Layer?
EigenLayer is a pioneering project in introducing the "Restaking" model, a breakthrough solution to solve the problem of layered security in the blockchain ecosystem. "Restaking" is implemented through smart contracts, allowing users to reuse locked ETH (staking) to enhance security for protocols other than Ethereum.

Current Situation
Currently, blockchain networks often face the problem of a split trust network, which means that each decentralised application (dApp) needs to create a separate blockchain with its own trust network. This leads to inefficiency, waste of resources, and hinders the development of dApps.

Ethereum, with its flexible programming capabilities on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), has solved this problem by providing a common platform for dApps. However, modules that cannot be deployed or verified on the EVM still need to build their own trust network. Recognising this, the development team built Eigenlayer to solve this problem.

How EigenLayer Works
Operating Model
Staking ETH: Users need to stake their ETH on the Ethereum network to become validators on the Ethereum blockchain.
Restaking ETH: Users can “restake” staked ETH on Ethereum by assigning their withdrawal address to the EigenLayer smart contract.
Module Security: Validators participating in restaking will be able to secure modules built on EigenLayer. These modules may include:
Data Availability Layer: Helps secure and distribute data for blockchain applications.
Decentralised Oracle Network: Provides real-world information to smart contracts.
Bridge Networks: Connect blockchains together, allowing assets to be transferred between them.
Decentralised Sequencer Networks: Manage the ordering of transactions on rollup networks.
Slashing: If a validator acts fraudulently, they will be punished by being slashed, which means that some or all of their staked ETH is locked. This ensures that validators act honestly to protect the “restaken” modules.
Illustrative Example
Suppose a project wants to build a decentralised data availability layer. The project needs a large amount of ETH to secure the system.
With EigenLayer, the project can “hire” validators who stake ETH on Ethereum to secure the data availability layer.
The validators will assign their withdrawal addresses to the EigenLayer smart contract, and at the same time commit to securing the data availability layer.
If validators act fraudulently, they will have their staked ETH slashed.
Restaking Mechanism
EigenLayer is an ambitious project that aims to solve the problem of layered security in the blockchain ecosystem. It achieves this through the Restaking mechanism, which is built on two main ideas: Pooled Security and Free-Market Governance.

Pooled Security
The Restaking mechanism creates an optimal security system called Pooled Security. This system allows protocols to leverage the security of the Ethereum network while making the cost of attacking the protocols significantly higher.

Specifically, instead of each protocol having to build its own security network, it can “rent” security from EigenLayer’s security pool. This is done by using ETH which has been staked to secure Ethereum as collateral. Participating validators will have to agree to new slashing conditions on their stake, ensuring that they will act honestly to protect the protocols being secured.

Free-Market Governance
EigenLayer creates a competitive market for Pooled Security, determined by supply and demand. Validators are not required to provide Pooled Security at all. Instead, they have the ability to define their own set of risk and reward parameters before providing services to a given protocol. This allows validators to selectively choose which protocols to provide services to.

EigenLayer Applications
EigenLayer can be used to create many new applications and services on top of existing blockchain networks. Here are some examples:

Build dApps with Advanced Features: EigenLayer enables developers to build dApps with new features like enhanced security, scalability, and cross-platform interoperability.
Provide Blockchain-Based Services: EigenLayer can be used to provide new services like decentralised data storage, identity authentication, and permission management.
Promote Blockchain Adoption: EigenLayer helps make blockchain more usable and accessible for businesses and individuals.
Information about the EIGEN Token
Token Name: Eigenlayer
Ticker: EIGEN
Blockchain: Ethereum
Token Contract: Updating
Token Type: Utility, Governance
Max Supply: 1,670,000,000
Circulating Supply: Updating
Currently, EIGEN has not released specific information about the release date and token allocation over time, so Unich Analysis will update when detailed information is available.

The project has not yet announced its roadmap in the near future, so we will update it when the project is announced as soon as possible.

Development Team
Sreeram Kannan (CEO, Founder): A reputable expert in the blockchain field, with teaching and research experience at the University of Washington. His leadership of the UW-Blockchain-Lab and his publication of more than 20 blockchain-related articles show his deep expertise and innovative spirit.
Calvin Liu (CSO): His experience at Compound, a leading decentralised finance platform, shows his deep understanding of the DeFi market and his ability to develop effective strategies.
Chris Dury (COO): His experience working at Amazon, a giant technology company, shows his effective management skills and ability to make sound strategic decisions.
Soubhik Deb (Engineering): A promising researcher with experience at the University of Washington Blockchain Lab. The fact that he is pursuing a PhD shows that he has professional knowledge and deep research ability.
With its potential, Eigenlayer has received investment from many famous investment funds in the market such as a16z, Blockchain Capital, Polychain Capital, Hack VC, etc.

Benefits of Using EigenLayer
Improved Security for Modules: Modules secured by ETH staked through EigenLayer have a higher level of security, protected by the same validator network of Ethereum.
Make the Most of Staked ETH: Users can use their staked ETH to secure many different modules, increasing their income from staking.
Accelerating the Development of Modules: EigenLayer enables developers to build new and innovative modules, without having to create a separate trust network for each module.
EigenLayer Potential and Challenges
Expanding the Blockchain Application Space: EigenLayer expands the application space of blockchain by enabling the construction of new modules such as blockchain networks, middleware, and modular blockchain layers. This allows developers to create a wider range of dApps, from DeFi applications to identity management systems, oracle networks, and blockchain bridges.
Improving Performance and Security: EigenLayer improves the performance of blockchain networks by sharing resources and capabilities among multiple dApps. By using a larger validator pool, EigenLayer also improves the security of modules built on the platform, increasing user trust.
Promoting Decentralisation: EigenLayer can promote decentralisation by creating a market for modules that can attract validators to run nodes in-house. This makes the blockchain system more distributed, minimising the risk of power being concentrated in a single entity.
Operator Collusion: A group of operators can collude to attack multiple modules at once, leading to insecurity.
Slashing Incidents: Modules can have vulnerabilities that can lead to unexpected slashing of honest users.
EigenLayer is a groundbreaking technology that promises to revolutionise the blockchain industry. The platform has the potential to open up many new possibilities for existing blockchain networks, making them more efficient, robust, and easier to use. EigenLayer is in its early stages of development, but it has already attracted significant interest from investors and developers. The project has great potential to change the blockchain industry, and it will be interesting to follow its development in the coming years. Above is all the information about EigenLayer that Unich Analysis has compiled. Thank you for your attention.