
Funding a pride event for kids as young as 3.
“Genderbread man” training.
They ask employees to list their “preferred pronouns” on all communications.
Bill Gates is listed as their largest shareholder.
John Deere celebrated their accounting and finance team taking United Way’s 21-day “United For Equity” program
John Deere promoted Ibram Kendi, the woke children’s book “Anti-Racist Baby”, “Awake to Woke to Work”, a podcast on the concept of “Whiteness”, woke activist Robin DiAngelo, bigotry against Christians who supposedly have “Christian Privilege” and more.
The woke policies have spread across the global John Deere brand with many of their DEI policies also being forced on their Latin America and India branches.
LGBTQ & race-based identity groups at corporate headquarters.https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/revealed-john-deere-sponsoring-sickening-dei-wokeness-as/

The woke left’s infestation of businesses extends to companies that one would think are either safe from politics or lean right.
