
Aretas, Mike's estranged son, was the one who killed Captain Howard. However, in a surprising turn of events, he embarks on a path of redemption. Reggie, Marcus's son-in-law, also plays a significant role by utilizing his military training to protect his family. Rhea Sheehorn portrays Howard's son, an American marshal determined to seek revenge on Aretas. Quinn Hemphill takes on the role of Howard's other son, who unfortunately becomes a hostage. The introduction of the new captain, Rita Secada, adds an intriguing twist as she delves into Howard's background. Lockwood, who is Rita's love interest and a candidate for mayor, assists in the investigation. Kelly and Dorn, two Miami police officers, are the only ones that Mike and Marcus can truly trust. Initially, the female counterparts of Mike and Marcus are briefly mentioned, but their characters are not fully developed.