
Dear Fellow Patriot,

My election is on MAY 14TH. Freedom loving Americans could potentially have a HISTORICAL victory in just 6 days.
Joe Biden, Corrupt Carol, Bill Gates, and every other Democrat will no longer have a West Virginia Republican supporting their radical agendas.

I will file articles of impeachment against the DOJ corrupt judges exerting socialist unchecked power.
A victory in just 6 days would be HUGE for this country but it cannot be done without you.
I am running against a corrupt establishment Republican In Name Only and NEED your help in my fight. Are you willing to contribute today to support a victory on May 14th >>

This is the America First movement chance to defeat Corrupt Carol and her establishment minions. Together we can finally end Biden’s Socialism push and stop the Southern Border invasion!
This fight is not going to be easy, but if all America First Conservatives rally together, we can WIN. None of this can be done without your support.
Are you willing to step up today? Contribute $25 RIGHT NOW to pledge your support for victory and the end of Biden’s tyranny. >>

When I go to D.C., I will make sure that America's elections are once again fair and free from manipulation by Tyrants.
But I cannot do this alone.
Your support is vital in this fight to protect our democracy and uphold the rule of law.

Please consider making a $50 or $100 donation today to help fund our campaign efforts and ensure that we have the resources to bring these issues to the forefront of national discourse.
West Virginia is one of the most affordable districts in the entire country.
A mere $250 buys an entire TV ad spot on Fox News!

Every supporter brings us closer to more accountable government.
Thank you for your continued support
Onward to victory!

Derrick Evans
Proud January 6 Patriot
Ultra-MAGA Republican for Congress, WV-01