
The fate of the House is in your hands.

As we face critical junctures in races across the nation, our Republican majority is at an undeniable risk. These battlegrounds will determine not only the outcome of local elections but the direction our country takes.

As the Political Director for Elise Stefanik, I am reaching out to ask for your timely and crucial support to ensure we solidify our positions in these key areas. Your contribution can make the difference we need to succeed.

At this moment, your action is more than a contribution—it's a statement. Stand with us today and contribute $10 or more to cement our foothold where it matters most.

Our victory hangs in a delicate balance, and the groundwork we lay today will shape our political landscape tomorrow. Your support is not just vital; it is the backbone of our campaign.

I am committed to an innovative and strategic approach that will leverage your support effectively. Together, we can confront the challenges ahead with the strength of a united GOP front.

Your immediate contribution is an investment in the future of our party and our nation. Let's work together to secure a Republican majority that will uphold our values and forge a path toward a stronger, more prosperous America.

Thank you for your unwavering support,

Lauryn Johns
Political Director, Chairwoman Elise Stefanik