
Fellow American,
The Left wants to DESTROY every trace of PATRIOTISM from the hearts of America’s young people.
In fact, the Left’s HATRED of America means that today, you may not even find an American flag in a classroom or hear the Pledge of Allegiance recited each morning.
That’s certainly not how you and I grew up, Fellow American — and that’s why we need a BIG change ... QUICKLY!

Fellow American, Turning Point USA has just launched our Stand for the Flag High School Tour to bring LOVE OF COUNTRY to the next generation.
And, with the help of generous supporters like YOU, we’re equipping Turning Point USA’s fast-growing network of nearly 1,000 high school chapters with brand new activism kits that include a beautifully crafted American flag and materials to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

I truly believe this is some of the most important work we’ve EVER done at Turning Point USA…
…because young people must understand that America is a country worth HONORING and CELEBRATING so they can truly believe in AMERICAN GREATNESS again!

Fellow American, high school students today are bombarded with toxic anti-American propaganda EVERY DAY, like:
Left-wing “educators” who indoctrinate students to hate America’s Founding Fathers, to reject the Declaration of Independence and the wisdom of the Constitution, and to feel shame and disgust for our country,
Radical activists who want to tear down and destroy every statue and monument to American leaders, even those dedicated to incredible leaders like George Washington, AND
Pop culture celebrating the rejection of our FREEDOM and the economic prosperity of our free-market system — and outright HATING AMERICA!

But even in the face of this OVERWHELMING LEFTIST opposition, Turning Point USA is seeing a wave of RENEWED PATRIOTISM among America’s high school students — thanks to YOUR support!
Now it’s time to keep up our WINNING MOMENTUM as we inspire MILLIONS MORE high school students to learn the truth about America — and LOVE OUR COUNTRY again!
Thank you for helping Turning Point USA ignite a NEW SPIRIT of patriotism among America’s young people to bring our message of AMERICAN GREATNESS to the next generation.
I can’t wait to tell you more about this special and important project. Thank you for your generous support.
For America,
Charlie Kirk
Founder & CEO
Turning Point USA