
Crime Stats Don’t Lie: NYC Mayor Urges Residents to Lie About Crime Rates!
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is under fire for his recent statement to residents. In an attempt to downplay the rising crime rates in the city, Adams urged New Yorkers to ignore what they see and perceive and instead believe that crime is actually decreasing. This statement comes in the wake of alarming reports and video evidence of a frightening crime wave that has escalated during Adams’ stint as mayor.
During a news conference on Wednesday, Adams boldly claimed that there is no need to say that there is an increase in subway crime, because that is not the reality. He challenged his constituents to see beyond the seeming increase and to lower their expectations when it comes to security in the city. This is not the first time that Adams has made such a statement; in 2022, he caused controversy by telling New Yorkers that their perception of crime is what has increased, not the actual crime rate.
Adams’ insistence on downplaying the alarming state of crime in New York City is alarming and out of touch with the reality that most people experience every day. His claims are even more incredulous considering that the New York Police Department (NYPD) has released statistics that supposedly show a decrease in overall crime, including subway crime. However, even if these statistics are accurate, this is hardly a noteworthy achievement for the mayor, as crime has been out of control in the city for some time now.