
On the Ability To Maintain A Sharp Focus of Attention
Bernard Pyron

Transformational Marxism and the forms of fascism now operating can be defeated by a sharp focus of attention. Ambiguity and inability to focus sharply on one thing for a period of time work against those trying to defeat the Totalitarians. But a sharp focus of attention is necessary for an understanding of Totalitarian systems and for the defeat of these systems. The defeat of and a discrediting of Totalitarian ideology, both Marxist and fascist, could restore the sovereignty of the individual.

What is called the New World Order is fascist, as well as what is called Big Tech or the Silicon Valley Monopolies.
There are several cognitive skills that depend on the ability to maintain a sharp focus.

These cognitive skills are the ability to tell the difference between what is important and what is not important, the ability to create adequate gist meaning summaries of information, the ability to think in cause and effect terms, and of perception of space and time, and the ability to isolate and pay attention to an item embedded in a visual field or context,
A sharp focus of attention also enables the ability to hold more than one item of information in consciousness at a time, the ability to make use of information to think in new ways in order to solve a problem, and the ability to combine information into new possible combinations and to see new connections - or creativity.

This emphasis upon the ability to pay close attention to something for a period of time and not get distracted from that focus comes out of cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology to some extent rebelled against the German influence upon psychology, especially from the Leipzig School - such as Wundt, B.F. Skinner and other Behaviorists, all of which is a reductionist approach.