
If you have chosen to take your chances with the vaccine and it’s side effects including death, or take your chances with a virus that is 99.9X% survivable, and it’s potential side effects including death; is your choice.

One approach apparently requires endless boosters and possible side effects with each shot. The other, if you even happen to contract the virus, may or may not cause disease in your body, and assuming you survive, it’s one and done. You will have robust lasting immunity that is likely protective against all future mutations.

I believe, regardless of the choice you make there should be no forced segregation, passports, travel restrictions, masks, or any other limitations. Why? Because, it’s a violation of our God given rights. No government or its officials can or should be able to take away any freedoms from us for any reason.

We are in the midst of an attempt to take the world into a dystopian nightmare under the guise of a medical emergency.

The passports are already being used to track your movements and grant your freedoms. Freedom is not the governments to give or take away. It is their job to protect against an external threat from taking them away.

Soon you will have to get your next shot or your passport will go from green to red as in Israel.

What else will your pass be used for?

In China it’s used to administer your social credit score.

What would the technocrats want more?

Well, when your phone becomes too cumbersome or too easy to overcome, an injected chip will be the next requirement, sold to you as an ‘upgrade’. A chip constantly connected to the 5G internet of things. You are the ‘things’ they want to connect.

The chip will be used to do far more than just track your medical records. It will become your wallet. It will contain your identity, banking and whatever else they decided you need it for. Constantly monitoring your health, location and even activity. Your smart device doses that now to a large extent but you can choose to turn it off or leave that at home. The chip is in you!

Say you decided in the future that you don’t want to comply with some new draconian order form the government. They can simply restrict everything in your life with the click of a mouse or by the ‘choice’ of an algorithm in some cold, soulless, heartless AI computer system.

Think about what you are accepting. Once things go from temporary to permanent, it’s all over.

We need to stand against this tyranny now or forever accept our loss of freedom and ultimately our humanity.

Accepting or refusing anything, especially amedical treatment is a fundamental right that is currently being overridden.

For many, choosing not to accept the most dangerous series of ‘vaccines’ ever produced can make the difference between living a ‘normal life’ and being being able to keep your job and put food on your family’s table; one of the most egregious forms of coercion.

Coercion to take any medical treatment is by definition a direct violation of the Nuremberg code, our human rights, and our Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms.

No matter your stance on the vaccine, keeping our freedoms, choice and privacy should be our first priority. It’s what our forefathers fought and died for. A so-called health emergency is not a valid reason to give it all up. Frankly, no reason is a good reason to give up your God given rights.

All Canadians need to stand now for freedom and reject the health passport system; the Beast System!

I am not an overly religious person but this Beast system was foretold in scripture. It think it’s time to take heed. The system will capture your very soul.

The meme below is a good example of what can happen and inspired me to write this post.

Think! 🤔

Allan Martin
For life, love and freedom!