
Trusting and Trustworthy
FEBRUARY 21, 2024

[Daniel] was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy.
Daniel 6:4, NLT

Recommended Reading: Ephesians 4:25-32
It’s hard to trust people today, isn’t it? How many people are frustrated because of a spouse who was unfaithful, a friend who disappointed them, a salesman who was dishonest, or a doctor who misdiagnosed an illness? Rebuilding a friendship is difficult after a perceived betrayal has occurred.

We can’t always do a lot about others who are untrustworthy, but we can do something about ourselves—or rather, we can let the Lord do something within us. He is utterly trustworthy. Psalm 119:86 says, “All your commands are trustworthy” (NIV). Psalm 145:13 says, “The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does” (NIV).

As Christians, we’re to grow in His faithful love and kindness (Ephesians 4:25-32). One way to do this is by fostering trust in our relationships. Brotherly kindness begins with a trustworthy spirit—the willingness to be honest and kind. If you’ve been betrayed, seek to forgive. And in all your dealings, be someone who can be trusted with the cares, secrets, and confidences of others.

Ask God to help you grow in your ability to be trusting and trusted.

Among the blessings and enjoyments of this life, there are few that can be compared in value to the possession of a faithful friend.
James C. Gibbons