
News from Representative Smucker

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This week I want to share updates on how local elected officials are standing united in opposition to a proposed disruptive energy project, my thoughts on the impeachment of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, long-term projections from the Congressional Budget Office, and more.
I enjoy hearing from you and responding to your emails, phone calls, and letters. If you would like to share your concerns or opinions with me, or if you have questions about legislation or specific votes, you can send me an email here. Since my last e-newsletter, my office has answered 6,074 inquiries.
Standing United in Opposition to Proposed Disruptive Energy Project in York County
This week elected officials representing communities from both sides of the aisle and from both sides of the Susquehanna River came together to announce our united opposition to a proposed pumped-storage hydroelectric project at Cuffs Run in Chanceford Township, York County.
The project has been proposed by York Energy Storage, LLC of Berks County, which is applying for a preliminary permit application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Docket Number P-15332.
I am grateful to all the state senators, state representatives, and county commissioners from York and Lancaster counties who joined me in a letter to FERC opposing the preliminary permit application from York Energy Storage, LLC.
Our letter reads in part: “The landscape of the lower Susquehanna River gorge has been recognized by both the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government as a landscape worthy of protection and investment.” Our letter continues: “This project, if allowed to proceed, would destroy preserved farms, a regional scenic trail, the viewshed of a popular multimodal rail trail, and forested lands needed to help protect the ecological health of this landscape and an already impaired waterway…We stand united in opposition to this project and York Energy Storage LLC’s application.”