
Dear Fellow Patriot,

As a committed figher for accountability and transparency in government, I wanted to share with you an important development that demands our immediate attention and action.

House to Vote to Hold Hunter Biden in Contempt of Congress
This week is crucial in our pursuit of justice and integrity in government. The House Oversight and Accountability Committee, of which I am a proud member, will mark up a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress. This decisive action follows Hunter Biden's blatant refusal to comply with subpoenas requiring his presence for a congressional deposition last month.

As you might recall from my previous messages, I have extensively covered Hunter Biden's defiance. This issue becomes even more serious with the revelation that President Joe Biden had advanced knowledge of Hunter’s intention to defy the subpoenas.

Hunter Biden's Lawbreaking and the Double Standard
Hunter Biden's refusal to appear before the committee is a serious legal violation. It directly concerns the mounting evidence of Joe Biden’s alleged corruption and influence peddling schemes. Compliance with a Congressional subpoena is a fundamental legal responsibility, yet it seems this law is selectively applied.

Joe Biden's Obstruction of Justice
The situation worsens with Joe Biden's obstruction of justice. It's now known that Joe Biden was aware in advance of Hunter’s decision to defy the subpoena and even attempted to prevent the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s proceedings.

This act of conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress is illegal and, in my view, constitutes another impeachable offense.
Your Support is Crucial! All of our power and support comes from good folks like YOU and those who just want to be prepared when evil rears its ugly head.
That’s why I’m hoping you’ll step up and make a contribution today. Your support is vital in our fight against corruption and in upholding the principles of justice and accountability.

Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to holding Hunter and Joe Biden's feet to the fire.
For Freedom,
Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.