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BIG NEWS! Supreme Court Will Hear Lawsuit Involving Unconstitutional DOJ 1512(c)(2) Charges Used to Abuse Trump Supporters After J6 Protests

Posted byby sfnadmin
December 14, 2023
Good news from the Supreme Court!

SCOTUS will hear Fischer vs. United States, the lawsuit questioning the unconstitutional 1512(c)(2) charges used by the Biden Department of Justice to abuse and punish January 6 protesters who came to Washington DC to protest the stolen 2020 election.

The case involves three j6 defendants: Jake Lang, Garret Miller, who pleaded guilty to 11 other criminal charges and was sentenced in February, and Joseph Fischer, who, like Lang, continues to await trial.

The news broke this morning.
Here is more background on this lawsuit…
January 6th Defendant Jake Lang (pictured above) was arrested in January 2021 and is currently sitting in the DC Gulag today after three years without trial.
In July, Jake Lang notified The Gateway Pundit that he was taking his case to the highest court in the land.

Lang’s decision to move his arguments to the Supreme Court follows a split ruling in the DC Court of Appeals in April.
As reported by The Gateway Pundit, two of three judges on the appellate panel ruled against U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, who dismissed the 1512 felony obstruction charge in three separate cases against January 6th defendants.

Perhaps most notable among the affected was Jacob Edward Lang — widely known by TGP readers through multiple eyewitness accounts of his repeated efforts to save lives during the onslaught of violence near the U.S. Capitol tunnel where Rosanne Boyland was killed.

The split ruling reinstated the felony obstruction charge against Lang and two others: Garret Miller, who pleaded guilty to 11 other criminal charges and was sentenced in February, and Joseph Fischer, who, like Lang, continues to await trial.

Lang, who is charged with multiple felonies, filed his petition to the United States Supreme Court —asking that the 1512 felony obstruction charge be dismissed.
The filing begins with a question: