
Angelic Example
NOVEMBER 28, 2023

Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His hosts!
Psalm 148:2

Recommended Reading: Luke 2:13-14
In Romans 1, the apostle Paul identifies one of the characteristics of fallen mankind: We worship and serve “the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever” (verse 25). The proper role of creation—everything that has been created—is to bring praise and honor to the Creator. That includes animate and inanimate parts of creation as well.

In Psalm 148, the psalmist expresses the theme that all of creation should bring glory to the Creator: sun, moon, stars, rain clouds, sea creatures, oceans, lightning, hail, snow, winds, mountains, hills, fruit trees, cedars, wild animals, cattle, small creatures, birds, kings, princes, rulers, young men and maidens, old men, children...and all the rest of creation. At the head of his list is “all His angels...all His hosts!” (verse 2) We certainly find angels fulfilling their purpose throughout Scripture—like at the birth of Christ when they glorified God (Luke 2:13-14).

You are part of creation. Follow the example of the angels, God’s heavenly hosts, and live a life of praise and honor to God.

Let earth and heaven combine, angels and men agree, to praise in songs divine the incarnate Deity.
Charles Wesley