
Who is this guy? Where is this school located?
#Autism #Bulling
Degenerate Student Who Should Be Nowhere Near A School Sucker Punches An #Autistic Kid For Laughs
A black teen sneaks up behind an autistic kid in #highschool and brutally sucker-punches him for no reason whatsoever. He then stalks and threatens to autistic boy as if he's getting a kick out of his fear. This monster should be nowhere near any school but rather behind a 16-foot barbed wire fence in prison. https://vidmax.com/video/224709-degenerate-student-who-should-be-nowhere-near-a-school-sucker-punches-an-autistic-kid-for-laughs

A black teen sneaks up behind an autistic kid in high school and brutally sucker-punches him for no reason whatsoever. He then stalks and threatens to autistic boy as if he's getting a kick out of his fear. This monster should be nowhere near any school but rather behind a 16-foot barbed wire fence in prison.
