
Have you ever looked at a word and thought how weird it looks? I remember one time the word "the" really struck me as odd. It's such a weird-looking word, and you hear it all the time! And then I started saying it. "Tttthhhhuh." "Thuuuuhh." "Thuh." That was a total waste of a half-hour that day!

Today the word "in" hit me totally out of the blue. It's such a silly little word. Two letters - that's all. A vowel and consonant. It's got all you could hope for in a word, just like young parents who dream for a boy and girl so they can call it quits after just two.

I didn't pronounce it for a half-hour, but I realized the word could mean a lot of different things depending on the context. What does "in" mean?

Maybe your spouse comes home and they're looking for you? They call out, "Honey, where are you?" You might answer, "I'm IN here." That's pretty straightforward, right? Judging by the location of your voice, they will know where to find you.

Right now as I'm writing, I'm IN my living room. But I'm not just IN my living room. I'm IN my neighborhood, which is IN my city, which is IN my State, which is IN the USA. If someone were to ask me where I am right now, any one of those answers would be correct, but depending on the intent of their question, there would be one "IN" that would best describe where I am.

Not only am I IN my living room, but I'm also IN my flannel shirt. I'm also IN a good mood. And I'm alive IN 2021.

Some people are IN love. Some people are IN trouble. Some people are IN for it! Some people are IN for the time of their lives.

One day we may be IN the hospital. One day will surely come when we'll be IN our bed breathing our last breath. After that, IN a casket, IN the ground, or IN the wherever your ashes may be spread. I know. It isn't fun to think about that. But it's pretty safe to say that 100 years from now, you won't be IN wherever you are right now.

Out of all these different "IN's", do we ever pass the state of being IN? Is there a part of you that never ceases to exist IN some kind of time or space or the unknown?

Your soul is IN your body. What happens to that soul when there is no more body for it to be IN anymore?

Jesus made it very clear. Your state of being IN never ceases to exist - just the location you'll be IN.

Jesus warned more about Hell than Heaven. Why? Because He doesn't want us to be IN Hell for eternity. The Bible says God didn't send Jesus to condemn the world, but to save it. It also says He really loves you and wants you to live IN Heaven with Him forever. But unless you are IN Jesus, you can't live IN Heaven. It doesn't matter if you're a good person and that you haven't killed anyone. You and I have a sin problem even if we've committed just one. You have to be found IN the Book of Life which only happens if you believe IN Jesus Christ as Lord.

I'm amazed at all the signs Jesus told His followers of what the world would look like before He came back. They are all happening right now AND exactly when they should be happening. The odds of it happening are phenomenal and beyond coincidence.

Pretty soon, the whole World will be IN a time of The Tribulation. That's the stuff talked about in the Book of Revelation. You don't want to live IN that time. Revelation tells us it will be the worst time IN history. I don't want you to be there, either.

It's not my heart or intent to preach to you, but rather to PLEAD with you and for you. You know... It's not easy writing these things. I know most people will scoff at this and me. And I'm just like you - I want people to like me and not think I'm "Old weird Dave" talking about the End Times again. But I do it because I can't live with myself if I don't at least try to warn you of what's about to come. I'm not the only one seeing this coming. Bible scholars have been looking for this time for a very long time, and for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is very clear we are moments away from unthinkable things that will cause people's hearts to fail them. (The Bible says people will literally die from heart attacks from how horrible things will be.)

My dear Friend, this may be your last chance to get right with Jesus, and I don't believe it's an accident that you are reading this right now. None of us are promised one more day, so in that regards it doesn't matter when the End of Times comes. Jesus says there will be many who expect they will be allowed into Heaven and He will say to them, "Get away from Me. I never knew you." Those words should chill you to the bone. And it's because even though they may have gone to church, served in a soup kitchen, donated to the poor, etc., they never believed IN Him.

The Good News is, the Bible is VERY CLEAR on what you need to do to avoid the Tribulation and to have everlasting life, and to hear Jesus say to you one day, "Welcome Home, my Child!"


Romans 3:10 says, "There is none righteous, not even one." Why is that?

Because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

So what does that mean? Well, there's some bad news, but it's followed by really great news!

"The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23

FREE Gift? Yes! Jesus purchased it for you with His life, death, burial and resurrection and offers it to you.

How can you have the free gift of God?

"If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you WILL BE SAVED." Romans 10:9-10

"Yeah, but you don't know the stuff I've done. I've done some pretty bad things, even a whole lifetime of bad stuff" you might be saying.

There's more great news for you - "ALL who call upon the name of the Lord WILL BE SAVED." Romans 10:13

So how do you make it happen? You just BELIEVE! Here's a prayer you can pray to guide you into that belief. There's nothing magical to it. It has more to do with you believing by being in agreement and surrendering to God. Pray this:

"Father in Heaven, I admit I'm a sinner. I'm sorry. Please forgive me of my sins. I confess and believe Jesus Christ is Lord and that You raised Him from the dead. Please save me. I want to be found IN You and IN Your Book of Life. I gratefully accept your gift of eternal life purchased by the life, death, burial, and resurrection of your Son, Jesus. Thank you. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen."

If you prayed that right now, welcome to the family! YOU'RE IN! You are SAVED and SEALED until the Day of Redemption!

If you haven't prayed that prayer, don't put it off! I believe it is NO ACCIDENT you are reading this right now. I have prayed for all who would read this that God would lead you to it and so that you would be found IN Jesus and IN the Book of Life. Please don't pass by this opportunity - it may be your very last chance!

Blessings to you and yours. And even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!