
It’s “open season” on pro-lifers, and the hunting grounds are college campuses.
Pro-abortion radicals have been fighting tooth and nail to try and stop us from going to these campuses to tell young people the TRUTH about abortion.
As you’ve likely seen on Fox News and dozens of other channels and podcasts, a pro-abortion professor at Hunter College in New York vandalized our “This is Chemical Abortion” spring tour display and verbally berated our students!
She was finally fired after chasing a New York Post reporter – who simply wanted a comment from her about her vandalization of our display – with a machete and threatened to CHOP HIM UP!
attacks against our students' freedom of speech are at an all time high.

That's why I hope you will consider making a tax-deductible contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25, or $10 to Students for Life to help with our astronomical legal costs (more than 3x higher than last school year) caused by the non-stop First Amendment attacks our students have faced.
Sadly, our students’ encounters with pro-abortion thugs at Hunter College didn’t stop at the crazed machete-wielding professor.
Just days after the encounter, our Northeast Field Coordinator, Savannah, was back in New York City and had her car’s tires slashed and pro-life bumper stickers ripped off by more pro-abortion radicals.
The fact that Hunter College already has a terrible track record with us for failing to protect free speech on its campus, made this attack all the more mind-numbing…

But despite having her tires slashed, Savannah was able to take an Uber to downtown Manhattan, where she stood up for the preborn at our “Cemetery of the Innocents” – where we placed 1,050 bright pink crosses right in the middle of the city to serve as a stark reminder of the reality that abortion kills preborn babies.
That just goes to show you the resilience of Savannah and the commitment all our pro-life leaders share to expose the TRUTH about abortion.