Federal Court hearings on Chemical Abortion Pills are underway, and your action is needed!
With the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals beginning hearings for the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al. v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, et al. case, America is finally learning how negligently dangerous, life-ending Chemical Abortion Pills were forced onto the U.S. market by the FDA.
Chemical Abortion Pills are evil, simply because they are responsible for the deaths of millions of preborn lives and 28+ women, but what else are these drugs doing?
Hank, they’re turning our national water supply into a cemetery!
So, if you and I want the distribution of these dangerous pills to stop, then it’s crucial for you to co-sign the Amicus Brief our attorneys have just filed to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals immediately!
In our Amicus Brief, our attorneys expose how human remains and traces of abortion chemicals are flushed into the water system as a result of the FDA’s approval of Chemical Abortion Pills as most of these abortions take place on toilet seats – and wastewater treatment plants don’t treat for it.
That’s because the FDA NEVER completed and publicized a study on the environmental impact of these abortion pills!
By filing this Amicus Brief, we are calling for the approval of Chemical Abortion Pills to be REVOKED.
That will FORCE the FDA to show the American people how chemically tainted pathological waste in our waterways is harming aquatic, animal and plant life.
But I need your help to make it happen.
So, once you’ve co-signed this Amicus Brief, please make your most generous tax-deductible contribution of $100, $50, $25, or $10 to Students for Life today, so we can reach more people to gather more co-signatures.
Hank, the fact is, the FDA failed to check on government-sanctioned, corporate dumping of medical waste from Chemical Abortion Pills at least FIVE TIMES!
This has all led to the reckless distribution of these drugs.