
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was ginned up and coopted in order to smash small businesses, impoverish many millions, convince billions that infectious disease had suddenly become an existential threat—and thereby provide the justification to remake our world in many different ways.
The rulers bought the best public relations experts, and have continually refined the language they use to convince us we are being herded into a better tomorrow. The term ‘New World Order’ just didn’t have the right connotations.
‘Build Back Better’ made smashing our current systems sound like it was perhaps a good thing. But when leaders around the world starting saying it in unison, the people got suspicious and the term was dropped. https://principia-scientific.com/who-wants-entire-human-race-jabbed-with-whatever-they-want/

The World Health Organisation wants to 'vaccinate' the entire world with their untested products
