
Indeed! Personal Accounts of the Resurrection Story: The Emmaus Road
APRIL 22, 2023

And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”
Luke 24:32

Recommended Reading: John 21:1-8
The Gospel is the Good News. But good news is most impactful in the face of bad news. Never was there a clearer example of good news cancelling out bad news than in the story of the Emmaus road.

The disciples in Jerusalem had been overwhelmed with the bad news of Jesus’ death. Many who had been in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover were returning to their homes with heavy hearts. Two such disciples were walking the seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus when they met another man they didn't know. This man seemed to be unaware of the events surrounding Jesus in Jerusalem. But as they broke bread together, He gave them good news: Everything that had happened was just as the Old Testament had foretold. And their eyes were opened to see that it was Jesus speaking to them!

There is no better news to be had than what is learned by meeting with Jesus and understanding His Word. Make it your daily practice to meet with Him.

[Christ] is figured in the law, foretold in the prophets, and fulfilled in the gospel.
Henry Smith