
This recent article pursues a long-known alternative explanation for the blood disorders that the so-called ‘genetic’ shots, with their alleged biologics, are causing. The mRNA / spike protein account is, we believe, being used to sideline the PROVEN graphene / nanotechnology contents of some of the Covid vaccines. Here Dr. Ana Mihalcea examines how very toxic hydrogel (containing polyethylene glycol or PEG) in the shots can be used to create both clotting and the reverse. The alternative explanation for clotting is to point to the spike protein.
If we go back to those pictures of the white rubbery clots being found by embalmers, this could also be a function of hydrogel, that it is hydrogel being found, not amyloid as per the spike protein hypothesis. Obviously, these competing hypotheses need testing. https://www.europereloaded.com/hydrogel-coagulates-blood-and-causes-blood-clots/

ER Editor: This recent article pursues a long-known alternative explanation for the blood disorders that the so-called ‘genetic’ shots, with their alleged biologics, are causing. The mRNA / spike protein account is, we believe, being [...]
