
Syracuse judge strikes down NY vaccine mandate for health workers, rules state overstepped its authority, Jan. 14, 2023:"A state Supreme Court judge in Syracuse on Friday struck down a statewide mandate for medical staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Judge Gerard Neri ruled that Gov. Kathy Hochul and the state’s health department overstepped their authority by sidestepping the Legislature and making permanent the mandate meant to limit transmission of Covid in hospitals and healthcare facilities."

#AbuseOfPower #DoNotComply #Covid19Vaccines #HealthFreedom #HoldTheLine #InformedConsent #KathyHochul #NewYorkState #MedicalFreedom #NurseUp #StopTheShots #VaccineMandates

The judge ruled the state sidestepped the Legislature by making a requirement permanent for medical staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
