Hello all, the following is an Empower Humanity Telegram post where I was planning on doing a Zoom meeting with one of my long time co-creators to discuss some things he had brought forth with regard to self-sufficiency such as systems for growing food at home inside, crypto ATMs, etc.

“Also, we will look at various options for crypto arbitrage as a business as well as preparing for a meeting I will be having next week with someone who is wanting to help with designing the educational material that they PortalX app would use.

If you want to ha e any input into how these things would be developed, getting in on the meetings is the best way to get your voice heard.

This week I discovered a new restriction on my PayPal business debit card for booking a hotel on Booking.com while using Lolli to get the 6% Bitcoin back. It needs to be explored more to find out for certain whether this is really a new restriction like the one they put in place a few years ago that prevents you from being able to rent a car unless you use a bank issued major credit card because they do a credit check. This may now be the case for hotels.

What’s interesting is that the last time I made a reservation using this service with the same card, the hotel charged me the deposit a whole week before the deadline to cancel. As it turned out, I decided to cancel, and it took TWO weeks for them to return my deposit.

Now this is the kind of junk that people really should not tolerate. This would never have to be the case with a system that uses the Stellar open protocol. But these kinds of systems are not going to exist unless we do-create them.

You can’t wait for someone else to do it. You have to talk with people who have businesses and demand that they adopt systems that work better, and then SHOW them the way it works better for them and for their customers. It has to be a group effort.

You don’t have to be an expert, because we will have people who can explain things in detail, but you have to have the courage to invite people to something that you really would like to see them adopt.”