
Understanding how “life” works.
The questions “why am I here?”, and where am I going”” are pointless if you don’t understand how this life works. It’s hard to win, when you’re playing a game where you don’t know the rules.
How it works.
This “reality” [your “life”] is set up like a video game.
You are presented with a series of challenges.
As long as you keep doing things the same way, and failing, you keep repeating the same level again and again.
Its only when you learn to make better choices, and improve on what you are doing, that you get to go to the next level.
Here is where the similarity ends.
In this life, each time you fail, and then suffer the consequences of your choices, you are given a small break to rest and regroup.
Then after your little break, the same set of circumstances will be presented to you. Often with a little variation, but it still plays to the exact same “lesson” you need to learn.
In this “reality” each time you repeat a lesson, the consequences of failure are magnified.
So make the best choices you can, and move on the next level…
This cycle repeats over and over again from birth to death. The purpose of this life is to learn and gain experience.