

'Walls' is a short film investigating the historical divisions between men which have never left our side and have repeatedly brought us to war. We carry the traditional roots which divide us and bring us to conflict, within our educated consciousness. It is only an investigation into our divided human consciousness, and an understanding of its workings, which can help our tragic self created circumstances. This is a difficult task, as the traditional psychological divisions between us are what we now gain a sense of security from. DURATION: 11:30

China’s Mass Internment of Uighurs Is a ‘Modern Cultural Genocide’ by Reason TV, is licensed under CCBY Attribution license.

GERMANY BERLIN WALL COMING DOWN by CNN, is licensed under CCBY Attribution license.

Iraq invasion the defining images by Channel 4, is licensed under CCBY Attribution license.

How we investigated a hospital bombing in Syria - and found evidence suggesting Russia was to blame by Channel 4, is licensed under CCBY Attribution license.

'Walls' is a short film investigating the historical divisions between men which have never left our side and have repeatedly brought us to war. We carry the...
