“Become a little less indoctrinated and a little more educated…

The pledge is un-American and unpatriotic and goes against the founding principles of the founding fathers and the Constitution they fought so hard to bring us.

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in the 1890s by a defrocked Boston minister named Bellamy, who had been thrown out of his church for preaching socialist doctrine.
He wrote it in order to indoctrinate school children with the idea that the Union was "indivisible" and that secession had been wrong. The phrase "under God" wasn't added until the 1950s. Originally, children were taught to recite it with their hands raised in the same sort of salute with which they saluted Hitler in Germany, but during WW II, they changed it to holding the hand over the heart.
As a child, I figured out there was something wrong about the "indivisible" part since I knew my ancestors had fought for their freedom from the Union, so I always left out that part. Since I learned more about who wrote it and why, I've never said it.” - Brandon Fowler