
The Ben Swann interview of President Obama as told by “The Young Turks”

GREAT interview Ben! Thanks for the hardball interview of President Obama.

Obama Grilled About Kill List By Local Reporter
99,790 views Sep 9, 2012

Strange video. The closed caption words do not match what was said in the interview.
Nearly 10 years later “The Young Turks” YouTube video can not get the wording right by closed caption. Ever since my last Aerosmith concert I use closed caption to read video. This is what is written on the YouTube cc screen when I watch this video.

Cenk: “in cincinati at this issue probably lie xy reporter pence one and he got a chance that sit-down or stand-up actually with president obama asking some questions now of the president’s been doing a lot of local press about oftentimes honestly haven’t limited period of time in on it was a becoming softballs and he goes through a mall but not with ben slot he decided on asking about the killers terrific what’s what”

Ben Swann: “so called presidential solicits dot blot the tensions that’s listed folks who’ve been targeted for assassination and on that list have been u_s_citizens with … no word trying … uh… how do you as president or the present that matter regardless of party … of person … you’d like that howard to assassinate u_s_cities"

Obama: "for first of all your basing this on reports the news that uh… have never been confirmed by me uh… and i don’t talk about our national security uh decisions in that way"

Ben Swann: "what sir… the president will confer on that list but evil denied the list"

Cenk: "now this guy’s word of a local fox station so you might say he’s conservative i have a sleek have no idea what show you know the clip i don’t know visa progress and i don’t know these are concerned and i don’t care. That is a great question that is definitely the question you should be asking the president is the most interesting question because he’s asking for or he’s not asking for he’s taken the right to execute u_s_citizens abroad without trial reference to the judiciary not asking anybody in the judicial branch his main internal decision of the white house i think that is in the boston and misplaced power so surrogate we’ve got a reporter asking about that now he follows up on it as well.”

Obama: “more broadly though uh… or goal has been to focus on al-qaeda to focus narrowly on those who would pose an imminent threat to the united states of america .. an that’s why it’s not just been one but year uh… apparently fit uh… has been taken off the field an that’s part of what has allowed us to now begins transition out of afghanistan begin to bring our troops home"

Ben Swann: “again what the president said here missus at least one important point. the president’s workshop ida has gone far from the borders of afghanistan conditions like yet it wasn’t given where president obama order the death of or how lucky website to the president watches as u_s_citizens and yet was never reported trial
it back to what you are simply decided that i will mark you could be killed

in addition to killing him the president also ordered the drone strike that killed outlaw kings sixteen-year-old son outdoor robot hold on sixteen year old also u_s_citizens ornate denver colorado

so for the president to make the argument citizens without due process heat means the into the afghanistan war simply the subjects”

Cenk: “good on you been swamped that’s assumed journalism right there
ek again it doesn’t matter which side you aren’t politically it is a matter of uh… constitutional importance and it should be don’t all americans
now the president’s answers there were disingenuous and a couple weeks he’s at all a ride on talk about a public i’d ever confirm the killers i’ll
come on man your administration clearly leak in europe basically bragging about it in the press behind-the-scenes and for you to say that you know it’s what it feels but we know they’re dead
if i guess three u_s_citizens who’ve been executed at least birthday at a state of the did on world what the on purpose although ramallah block it as a sixteen-year-old kid who they were just showing their was by accident when they were targeting someone else by the way they didn’t get the person they were targeting that sixteen-year-old american citizen is dead anyway no due process
i need you to understand that’s where the democrat a republican whoever the next president is whether they’re democrat a republican or something else can use this power if we don’t stop it execute any u_s_citizen without a trial without any new prizes you think that’s crazy that can happen but it already has happened
and utility is all well they they’re just ab zero over there in afghanistan or yemen apparel even the president has trouble distinguishing given that he’s claiming that this is something to what was going on in afghanistan
strikes in somalia dyno but there is a broad war on terror but you can’t say im whining on that dennis and war because i kill some u_s_citizens in yemen that doesn’t make any sense

you think there won’t be mission creep even if you’re not worried all its ok i’m not muslim i’m not arab but once you set down the role but u_s_citizens can beat bill you think there is a guy come upon with alot
well again he wasn’t quieted terrorist book like uh… notes and but he was a drug terrace
and then you can see the mission creep coming
no no no it’s a matter of principle or rule of law
these strikes against u_s_citizens that take away our concert arise that take away our lives without even go in the judiciary at all art totally unacceptable
that is totally unconstitutional
and i love the local reporter leg bands one has about it
the president and all politicians should always be aggressively questioned on the real issues like that.”

*Read more here from Jack Mirkinson in The Huffington Post:


"A local Ohio reporter grilled President Obama forcefully about his controversial so-called "kill list" on Tuesday. Obama has been making an aggressive effor...
