And I just blocked another troll who wanted me to believe that he believes some outrageous bs he posted. When trolls do this they are acting like they don't have any sense on purpose. See, I took a chance and sent out many friend requests last night in my simple effort of trying to inform as many people as I can about some very important things that affect all of us. And some of these recent requests have so far turned out to be scammers who try to ignore or downplay these very important issues. So not only do we have to learn that we are being scammed, and lied to, and manipulated on a mass scale, we have to also learn that there are people online and off whose job it is to ignore or try to downplay these very important issues. All while some people I personally know (including a couple of them that claim to be fans of a man-made religion) don't have enough sense or courage to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the bottom. How messed up can stuff get while so many people act like they don't see these scams going on? I guess we may just find out.