
Happening now in Australia.

This is some terrifying Black Mirror crap that I thought I would never see in my lifetime. And disturbingly, the fact checking all checks out.

Detainment centres? Detention review officers? No evidence required to detain people? Nervous yet? You should be. It gets worse. The ability to target classes, define classes, define treatment of said classes. Lockdowns when there are 0 cases and 0 deaths, with no actual illness in the country? Legalizing discrimination. Forced medical testing and treatments. No boundaries or definitions as to what circumstances warrants any of the pandemic declarations or flow on pandemic orders, indefinitely...forever and without challenge. No assessment by any elected government or the people they are meant to be in service to. No accountability. All for the good of public health?!

Tell me, do you trust Dan Answers when he says he does not intend to lock us down again and does not intend to action these powers? If so, don't be a fool. Why would someone craft and design this Bill only to not use the powers within it? Why have these appalling clauses if not to cover the actions within the clauses?

If this Bill goes through, the only people who can say anything against Dan Andrews to stop him doing any of the above mentioned things (and more) at the drop of a hat are people below, the employees he can hire and fire (not elected), and who gain powers by supporting him. If they don't support him, he'll be able to sack them and hire another power hungry ego maniac to replace them in a flash How is that not a complete abuse of power and/or workplace bullying? Dan will be able to lock ANYONE up without proof of illness or cause, including anyone who speaks up or stands against him. Madness! How the hell did this even get this far?

If you've not made yourself familiar with this, the clock is ticking - get on it...please! You may not be politically minded, I didn't consider myself to be either until recently, but this is about values, the ethical treatment of people, human rights, equality and basic principles of right and wrong. Watch or listen to just half the video below and I'm sure it will it will frighten you as much as it does me. You might have different opinions about the pandemic issues, and that's perfectly fine, but this goes far beyond pandemic issues. 16th of this month could change your way you live your of life forever, v or not.

In my opinion, and a heartfelt personal request, please help kill this bill and help sack any and ALL representatives that support it. Not sure how how to make a difference, message me and I'll send you some simple and quick ways you can help. And no, you don't have to go to a protest to help.

This Bill, Dan Andrews and his collaborators are absolutely rotten to the core and this Bill will impact us all if it gets through. If you aren't in Victoria, and think this won't impact you, think again. If the Bill is passed gets it sets a precedent and can be replicated state by state. This is an Australian issue, not a state one. If you give a damn about your fellow Australians, your kids, your freedom or your country, please pay attention to this one and do something, anything... everything you can. It's not a done deal yet, despite what the media would have you believe. Love your way of life? Then act like it and protect it and your loved ones. The penalty for apathy and laziness will be something we'll regret for the rest of our lives if this is not stopped. Think I'm overreacting? Just watch or listen to the video and judge it for yourself.

Much love going to you all in these strange times. May you and your loved ones be well and safe in this crazy mess.
