Using orthogonal proteases and different search algorithms increases the total number of proteins identified, most of them common despite differing proteases and algorithms, but many of them unique as well.Vaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) constituted a major advance in the prevention of human tuberculosis (TB) in the beginning of the past century. BCG has also a clear potential for use in animals and, in particular, in the main domestic species subjected to TB control programs, cattle. Nowadays, the use of BCG vaccination against TB in cattle is not permitted by European Union legislation because BCG can induce a cellular immune response producing diagnostic interference in the eradication programs based on tuberculin single and comparative intradermal tests imposed worldwide. In this review we recall the history of TB vaccination as well as different vaccine trials and the response to vaccination in both domestic and wild animals. Promising potential inactivated vaccines are also reviewed. Research studies are mainly focused to improve vaccine efficacy, and at the same time to ensure its easy administration, safety and stability in the environment. Great challenges remain, particularly in terms of vaccine candidates and also in the acceptance of vaccination. Vaccination should be included in a strategic plan for integrated control of TB under a "one health" perspective, which also includes other measures such as improved biosafety on farms to avoid or decrease contact between domestic and wild animals or control of wildlife reservoirs to avoid overabundance that may favor infection maintenance.The electrification of automotive powertrains in recent years has been driving the development of internal combustion engines towards reduced volumes with higher power outputs. These changes place extreme demands on engine materials. Engineers employ the computer-aided engineering approach to design reliable and cost-effective engines. However, this approach relies on accurate knowledge of the material deformation and fatigue characteristics during service-like loading. The present study seeks to investigate the effect of dwell times on the deformation and fatigue behaviour of the A356-T7 + 0.5 wt.% Cu alloy used to cast cylinder heads. In particular, we study the effect of dwell time duration at various temperatures. A combined fatigue-dwell testing procedure, with the dwell at the maximum compressive strain, replicates the service conditions. It is found that the material exhibits a stress relaxation behaviour with a decreasing relaxation rate. At lower temperatures, the load level influences the relaxation more than at elevated temperatures. However, the dwell does not significantly affect the hardening behaviour or the life of the tested alloy. Finally, we model the time-dependent material behaviour numerically. The Chaboche model, combined with a Cowper-Symonds power-law, is found to capture the visco-plastic deformation behaviour accurately.Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a heterogeneous disease, and therapeutic management has advanced with the identification of various key oncogenic mutations that promote lung cancer tumorigenesis. Subsequent studies have developed targeted therapies against these oncogenes in the hope of personalizing therapy based on the molecular genomics of the tumor. This review presents approved treatments against actionable mutations in NSCLC as well as promising targets and therapies. We also discuss the current status of molecular testing practices in community oncology sites that would help to direct oncologists in lung cancer decision-making. We propose a collaborative framework between community practice and academic sites that can help improve the utilization of personalized strategies in the community, through incorporation of increased testing rates, virtual molecular tumor boards, vendor-based oncology clinical pathways, and an academic-type singular electronic health record system.Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a common and aggressive malignant brain cancer with a mean survival time of approximately 15 months after initial diagnosis. Currently, the standard-of-care (SOC) treatment for this disease consists of radiotherapy (RT) with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ). We sought to develop an orthotopic preclinical model of GBM and to optimize a protocol for non-invasive monitoring of tumor growth, allowing for determination of the efficacy of SOC therapy using a targeted RT strategy combined with TMZ. A strong correlation (r = 0.80) was observed between contrast-enhanced (CE)-CT-based volume quantification and bioluminescent (BLI)-integrated image intensity when monitoring tumor growth, allowing for BLI imaging as a substitute for CE-CT. An optimized parallel-opposed single-angle RT beam plan delivered on average 96% of the expected RT dose (20, 30 or 60 Gy) to the tumor. Normal tissue on the ipsilateral and contralateral sides of the brain were spared 84% and 99% of the expected dose, respectively. An increase in median survival time was demonstrated for all SOC regimens compared to untreated controls (average 5.2 days, p less then 0.05), but treatment was not curative, suggesting the need for novel treatment options to increase therapeutic efficacy.Diabetes is a global epidemic that impacts millions of people every year. Enhanced dietary assessment techniques are critical for maintaining a healthy life for a diabetic patient. Moreover, hospitals must monitor their diabetic patients' food intake to prescribe a certain amount of insulin. Malnutrition significantly increases patient mortality, the duration of the hospital stay, and, ultimately, medical costs. Currently, hospitals are not fully equipped to measure and track a patient's nutritional intake, and the existing solutions require an extensive user input, which introduces a lot of human errors causing endocrinologists to overlook the measurement. This paper presents DietSensor, a wearable three-dimensional (3D) measurement system, which uses an over the counter 3D camera to assist the hospital personnel with measuring a patient's nutritional intake. The structured environment of the hospital provides the opportunity to have access to the total nutritional data of any meal prepared in the kitchen as a cloud database.