
War mongering?? ,
or just another part of "the take down" of the US, and other NATO countries??
While the “US fake news” [war propaganda] is calling Russia’s involvement in Ukraine an “unprovoked attack"…
The US is setting up a similar conflict in Taiwan, with China.
The US State Department has announced a sale of missiles to Taiwan. This is in direct violation of our treaty with China.
[Most people in the US don't realize Taiwan is actually part of China. It is not a sovereign country of it's own.]
In addition to recognizing Taiwan as a part of China, the US specifically agreed "not to sell any weapons to Taiwan".
An Unprovoked Attack???
These type of actions, along with the [US funded] Ukrainian Nazi battalions slaughter of 13,000 Donbass people, is exactly what finally pushed Russian troops over the border into Ukraine.
In the words of Joe Biden, “ Putin will have to do something now”.
President Vladimir Putin stated that the op is meant to protect the people of Donbass, and its goal is the complete demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.