A defining feature of eukaryotic cells is the presence of numerous membrane-bound organelles that subdivide the intracellular space into distinct compartments. How the eukaryotic cell acquired its internal complexity is still poorly understood. Material exchange among most organelles occurs via vesicles that bud off from a source and specifically fuse with a target compartment. Central players in the vesicle fusion process are the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins. These small tail-anchored (TA) membrane proteins zipper into elongated four-helix bundles that pull membranes together. SNARE proteins are highly conserved among eukaryotes but are thought to be absent in prokaryotes. Here, we identified SNARE-like factors in the genomes of uncultured organisms of Asgard archaea of the Heimdallarchaeota clade, which are thought to be the closest living relatives of eukaryotes. Biochemical experiments show that the archaeal SNARE-like proteins can interact with eukaryotic SNARE proteins. We did not detect SNAREs in α-proteobacteria, the closest relatives of mitochondria, but identified several genes encoding for SNARE proteins in γ-proteobacteria of the order Legionellales, pathogens that live inside eukaryotic cells. Very probably, their SNAREs stem from lateral gene transfer from eukaryotes. Together, this suggests that the diverse set of eukaryotic SNAREs evolved from an archaeal precursor. However, whether Heimdallarchaeota actually have a simplified endomembrane system will only be seen when we succeed studying these organisms under the microscope.The context in which sudden fearful events occur can be poorly encoded into memory. Yet, the consequences of the resulting context-impoverished memories remain unknown. We demonstrate that restricting the time available for context encoding during contextual fear conditioning causes maladaptively overgeneralized and inextinguishable fear. However, post-conditioning context exposure enables further context encoding through hippocampal reconsolidation-dependent memory updating. Updating in the conditioning context alleviates overgeneralization and restores capacity for extinction. However, updating in a similar safe context erroneously shifts fear from the dangerous to the safe context. We argue that these phenomena can be explained by uncertainty about where events occurred. Moreover, we show that a hippocampal-neocortical neurocomputational model based on this assumption successfully simulates and explains our observations. These findings reveal that context-impoverished memories are maladaptive and can be improved or distorted after recall, with implications for basic memory theory, memory distortion, and treatment of disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder.Population density can modulate the developmental trajectory of Caenorhabditis elegans larvae by promoting entry into dauer diapause, which is characterized by metabolic and anatomical remodeling and stress resistance [1, 2]. Genetic analysis of dauer formation has identified the involvement of evolutionarily conserved endocrine signaling pathways, including the DAF-2/insulin-like receptor signaling pathway [3-7]. Chemical and metabolomic analysis of dauer-inducing pheromone has identified a family of small molecules, ascarosides, which act potently to communicate increased population density and promote dauer formation [1, 8-10]. Here, we show that adult animals respond to ascarosides produced under conditions of increased population density by increasing the duration of reproduction. We observe that the ascarosides that promote dauer entry of larvae also act on adult animals to attenuate expression of the insulin peptide INS-6 from the ASI chemosensory neurons, resulting in diminished neuroendocrine insulin signaling that extends the duration of reproduction. Genetic analysis of ins-6 and corresponding insulin-signaling pathway mutants showed that the effect of increased population density on reproductive span was mimicked by ins-6 loss of function that exerted effects on duration of reproduction through the canonical DAF-2-DAF-16 pathway. We further observed that the effect of population density on reproductive span acted through DAF-16-dependent and DAF-16-independent pathways upstream of DAF-12, paralleling in adults what has been observed for the dauer developmental decision of larvae. Our data suggest that, under conditions of increased population density, C. elegans animals prolong the duration of reproductive egg laying, which may enable the subsequent development of progeny under more favorable conditions.Our recent studies have shown the association of two novel viruses namely, ginger chlorotic fleck-associated virus 1 (GCFaV-1) and ginger chlorotic fleck-associated virus 2 (GCFaV-2) with chlorotic fleck disease of ginger. As ginger is propagated through vegetative means, the development of diagnostics would aid in the identification of virus-free plants. In the present study, reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) and reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) assays were developed and validated for the quick detection of GCFaV-1 and GCFaV-2. The detection limits of viruses by these assays, when compared with conventional and real-time RT-PCR, showed that RT-LAMP was up to 1000 times more sensitive than conventional RT-PCR and one-hundredth that of real-time RT-PCR for both the viruses. The detection limit of RT-RPA for GCFaV-1 was up to 100 times more than that of RT-PCR and one-thousandth that of real-time RT-PCR. On the other hand, for detecting GCFaV-2, RT-RPA was found up to 1000 times more sensitive than conventional RT-PCR and one hundredth that of real-time RT-PCR. Based on the cost-effectiveness and duration, RT-LAMP and RT-RPA assays can be suggested for the rapid detection of both viruses.An approximate analytical solution to Johanson's rolling theory is derived.1 It is shown that the solution yields a single dimensionless parameter invariant in process scale-up or equipment transfer, which relates the densification factor with process parameters (roll force and gap), geometric parameters (roll diameter and width) and material properties. It is shown that, to a first approximation, the model prediction does not depend on the nip angle evading the need to powder rheometry measurements such as wall friction and internal shear angle. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/skf-34288-hydrochloride.html The model is benchmarked against data obtained from pilot-scale roller compactors from different manufacturers as well as literature data from Nesarikar.2 The model yields good ribbon density predictions even when calibrating material properties from uniaxial die compression.