Variance components and heritability were estimated using pedigree information, whereas genetic and genomic evaluations were carried out using BLUP and single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP), respectively. In addition, a weighted ssGBLUP was assessed using genomic regions from a genome-wide association study. Evaluation models were validated using theoretical and realized accuracies. The estimated heritability for milkability was 0.12 ± 0.01. The mean theoretical accuracies for selection candidates were 0.43 ± 0.08 (BLUP) and 0.53 ± 0.06 (ssGBLUP). The mean realized accuracies based on linear regression statistics were 0.29 (BLUP) and 0.40 (ssGBLUP). No genomic regions were significantly associated with milkability, thus no improvements in accuracy were observed when using weighted ssGBLUP. Results indicated that genomic information could improve the accuracy of breeding values and increase genetic progress for milkability in Italian Simmental.Body condition change during the dry period (ΔBCS) has been associated with a myriad of transition cow diseases. We used data from 3 studies to assess the relationship between ΔBCS, feeding behavior, and body condition score (BCS) at dry-off. We also studied the mediation effect that dry matter intake (DMI) has on ΔBCS and the association between dry period feeding time and DMI. A total of 100 parous cows were enrolled in 3 studies to investigate differences in dry period diet on behavior, health, and performance pre- and postcalving. Body weight was measured and BCS was assessed by the same trained observer after dry-off and 1 wk from calving date. The ΔBCS was calculated by subtracting the BCS at calving minus the BCS at dry-off. The BCS at dry-off was categorized as overconditioned (≥3.5) or not overconditioned ( less then 3.5); no cows had a BCS less then 2.75. Feeding behavior data were collected using electronic feed bins. Parity at dry-off (median = 2; min = 1, max = 6) and 305-d milk production (mean-d milk yield on DMI; cows that produced more milk had greater DMI throughout the dry period. The ΔBCS was only partially mediated by DMI, and BCS at dry-off still had a direct effect on ΔBCS. This result indicated that mechanisms other than DMI were associated with BCS loss during the dry period. Feeding time correlated weakly and moderately with DMI during the early and late dry periods, respectively. To conclude, strategies to improve intake during the dry period should take dry-off BCS into account or, preferably, efforts should be made to minimize the number of overconditioned cows at the end of lactation.Biotransformation, the structural modification of chemical compounds, has proved to be an indispensable tool in providing beneficial health effects. Although the health benefits of biotransformation using plant sources has been widely studied, the anti-adipogenic effect of biotransformed dairy products, such as whey, have not yet been demonstrated. Here, we investigated the anti-adipogenic effect of whey biotransformed by Weissella cibaria in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Weissella cibaria-biotransformed whey considerably reduced the accumulation of lipid droplets and intracellular triglycerides in 3T3-L1 cells. In the presence of W. cibaria-biotransformed whey, the mRNA and protein expression of a key transcription factor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), for adipogenesis was markedly suppressed in 3T3-L1 cells. Additionally, W. cibaria-biotransformed whey also decreased the mRNA and protein expressions of lipoprotein lipase and adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein, which are regulated by PPARγ. Moreover, W. cibaria-biotransformed whey inhibited the expression of adipokines, resistin, and leptin. Collectively, these results suggest that whey biotransformed by W. cibaria has the potential to exert anti-adipogenic effects by inhibiting intracellular signaling events of adipogenic-related transcription factors and target genes.Frozen milk can help producers overcome the seasonality of goat milk production, low goat production and short lactation periods, and avoid discarding milk during some special periods. We investigated effects of combination between freezing (cryogenic refrigerator of -16 to -20°C or ultra-cryogenic refrigerator of -76 to -80°C) and thawing (homeothermy of 20 to 25°C or refrigeration of 2 to 4°C) on nutritive compositions and physicochemical characteristics of raw goat milk during storage period (80 d). Compared with fresh goat milk, the frozen-thawed milk decreased contents of fat, protein, and lactose, as well as surface tension and stability coefficient, whereas increased effective diameter and polydispersity index. The average values of color values (L*, a*, and b*) in 4 group samples changed from 83.01 to 82.25, -1.40 to -1.54, 3.51 to 3.81, respectively, and the ΔE of most samples did not exceed 2. In contrast to the other 3 frozen-thawed treatments, goat milk treated with ultra-cryogenic freezing-homeothermic thawing (UFHT) possessed higher fat (5.20 g/100 g), smaller effective particle diameter (0.32 µm), and the lowest polydispersity index value (0.26). The color and confocal laser scanning microscopy images of UFHT were similar to those of fresh goat milk, illustrating UFHT was the optimal approach to maintain the natural quality of goat milk. Our finding provides a theoretical basis for producers to freeze surplus milk.The objective of this study was to characterize plasma concentrations of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) and progesterone (P4) as predictors of twins and pregnancy loss in Holstein cows with high-risk pregnancies. High-risk pregnancy was characterized using transrectal ultrasonography 37 d after artificial insemination (AI) based on the following criteria small embryo size less then 15 mm, n = 10), slow heartbeat ( less then 60 beats per minute, n = 11), and extra-amniotic membrane (additional amniotic membrane, n = 3). A cohort of twins (n = 41) diagnosed at d 37 post-AI was also enrolled. Each high-risk and twin pregnancy cow was paired with a cow of the same parity carrying a normal singleton at d 37 post-AI (control, n = 65). Blood samples were collected to measure PAG and P4 at d 37, 44, and 51 post-AI. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA, logistic regression, and receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve with JMP software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Pregnancy loss at d 51 post-AI was greater in high-risk pregnancies than in controls and twins (control = 1.