
The strategies of the high-on-top "evil doers" are clever, long in the making, and well-financed (assets in many forms).

It is also Global.

They are true believers in their thirst for control over the world's natural resources and people.

They do not recognize their activities as "evil", yet include Pedophilia, Rape, Torture, Brute Deception, Mutilation, Emotional & Physical Domination, and Mass Murder in their arsenal of World ownership weaponry.

Their tools?

Government leadership
Religious leadership
Media (in all forms)
Education Systems
Intelligence Agencies
Arms Contractors
Pharmaceutical Corps
Hollywood Elite
Medical Doctrine
Sports Entertainment
Nation Building Corps
Military Leadership
Global Food Suppliers
Maritime Law
World Justice Systems
World Financial System

Our (the Good Guys) tools?

Human Race
Belief in Individual Freedom

What's your role?

Expose the "bad guys"
Do not comply
Show one person. Then another.
Join the Truth team
Keep getting up after the punch
Do not bow to fear
Avoid Ignorance at all costs
Seek better information always
Speak up...Listen...Debate

We have awakened and find ourselves in the arena of battle.

Our tools are better than theirs.
Our will to fight on for humanity is far more fierce than their desire for dominance and immortality.

WE will not lose...but YOU may lose if you don't join in this battle for the survival of freedom and humanity.

Create your own post. It's time to WIN!