The Birth of Two Worlds

Every human soul has a part to play in the creation of a new earth paradigm, if that is your path. Every human soul has a place. But it is no longer an option to remain completely silent and hide from the reality of what is occurring. Those who attempt to hide from the reality will inevitably be swallowed whole by the old paradigm. The constraints of the old world will continue exponentially, dripped in year after year, as they have done this past year, so that it seems as if these totalitarian requests are entirely natural. It is not natural. None of it is natural. This is a leviathan that cannot be transmuted from the inside. We are watching a bifurcation. We are witnessing the birth of two distinct worlds before our eyes.

I speak in mythical terms, because this is the language that speaks to the human soul, and we are living in mythical times. The soul lives in this archetypal realm, and we can use the language of myth to grow our connection and awareness, and learn the souls universal language. Myth is the language of storytellers, and the language of the deeper strata of our being, our shared collective unconscious. Rudolf Steiner knew this well.

As Steiner predicted over a century ago, in this time we are being asked to step outside the darkness, turn, and bear withess to the monster that our system has become: its willingness to abandon massive swaths of human beings, it’s willingness to sacrifice its young at the altar of “science”, pitting us against each other like rabid animals. We must turn and look, and we must know that the human soul can be so much greater than this. Those who wish to remain a part of this structure, this is a choice.

But for those who see this leviathan, now is the time to be bold, and to step out in sovereignty and resonant truth. There truly will be no in between here. You cannot live inside of the monster and not be slowly devoured by its ethos. One can either follow its regulations, or must eventually leave. Some may find this extreme. What I think is extreme is a system which forces people to do things against their will, and beyond their better judgment. This is extreme.

Now is the time to find human beings with whom you resonate deeply, whose most core and fundamental values are in alignment with new earth paradigms: deeper and profound healing of our ancestral lines, personal responsibility and absolute human sovereignty, interdependence and reciprocal relationship with the natural world, remembrance of our earth wisdom traditions, freedom, and the life of the human soul.

Because above all of it, this is truly about the human soul, in its exquisite and profound beauty. When we live a life based upon the acknowledgment of the spirit realms, in accordance with its template and resonances, outside of the grip of the systems of control, we step into a power that few of us knew existed. This is the power of the human spirit, it’s evolutionary inborn capabilities which have been mostly hidden from our view, but spoken of in our great world mythologies since the beginnings of time.

When the great Hopi Prophesies say we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, I believe this deep spiritual understanding is at least part of what is meant by this. When we step into this spiritual acknowledgment and sovereignty, the old system crumbles underneath itself, and we emerge into a world that is entirely different.

These are the two worlds that are slowly being birthed in our times. And we are alive to stand, in whatever way we feel is our dharma, and to bear witness to this excruciating and exquisite process of rebirth.

The Spiral Path of Freedom

The spiral path of freedom is the path for those human souls who are ready and willing to take greater responsibility for their destiny, and to begin to truly unfold their spiritual lives. This path cannot be walked by those who are not ready to take this deeper responsibility. It is not possible, for these souls are still lost in the wounded archetypes of their psyche, longing for mother, father, partner, guru, doctor, government to save them.

One cannot be a victim, and activate this divine evolutionary unfolding. One must step out of the victim consciousness willingly and fully, to untangle the hold that such a mind state naturally has upon the self.

Victimhood is a prison for the spirit, and reflects a life unlived, unloved, and unexplored. This is a life that willingly gives over responsibility of the self to a stranger, and hopes for the very best.
This cannot end well.

When we step into the path of liberation, we move into a current that says, we alone are the keepers of our soul, and the co-creators of our destiny. We begin to activate and embody the divine gifts which have been individually given to each of us, and we begin to become more and more whole, empowered and sovereign.

A sovereign soul does not give their power away.
A sovereign soul does not attempt to control other beings.
A sovereign soul does not ask others to save them.
A sovereign soul learns to awaken and activate within themselves the sacred flame that is at the heart of every human being.

Through this activation, the spiral path of liberation unfolds before us. Doors are opened, where before there were none. One begins to hear the call of their own spirit through the rhythm of the breath, the pulse of the blood, the dance of the wind mingling in the trees, the moon at night, and the movement of the stars through the sky.

When the doors are opened, the soul on the path of liberation walks through them when the deeper clarion call is heard to pass that threshold, regardless of what is on the other side.

The soul must be willing to journey into the deep valley, traverse the flames, and move through the dark night, so that the proper initiations can occur. Without such initiations, the soul remains in a holding pattern, unable to heal and integrate the wounds of the past, both personal and ancestral, and unable to transmute the shadow into the light, the lead into the gold.

This is an alchemical process that is a natural flowering of human evolution, when we allow ourselves to walk the path, and take ever greater responsibility for our lives.
This includes body, heart, mind, and spirit.

Once the soul truly senses the movement of inspiration through the body, once one begins to feel the spiritual wings that lift them into the atmosphere, there is no way that such a soul would turn and walk backwards into the dark cave again. This would be a walk back into ignorance and a self imposed prison. There will be times when we each retreat in grief, fear, and horror. But the numinous taste of freedom transcends all of these experiences, and connects us into an invisible web of spirit, exquisite in its beauty, simple in its truth, and all encompassing in its love.

This is the majesty that awaits all of us, the majesty of the spirit, when we learn to transmute our own suffering into the divinity of the self, and to let go the chains of our own self inflicted prison so that one might free the heart.
We are made to soar.

Born of Stars
The Great Poisoning of Man

The people who truly take care of themselves through food as medicine, fresh air, pure water, herbal, mineral and nutrient support, and the cultivation of a healthy emotional and spiritual life, naturally radiate their unique beauty.

This is not something to be jealous of or angry about, though this culture dictates that we should feel these ways. The radiance of such beauty should be appreciated and aspired to by each of us through our own unique ways. In our exalted forms, each of us contains the seed of such radiance within. But that seed must be watered and tended to in order for the wildflower of the self to bloom. Each of us must learn to take responsibility for that secret internal seed, so that it might express itself in its highest form.

We exist now within a culture which has normalized toxic lifestyles to such a degree that we are unable to actually speak the truth about what is naturally most supportive for a human life, and what is not.

The food and water systems, laden with lethal chemicals ( glyphosate, preservatives, fluoride and lead being some of the most offensive ) are wildly unhealthy, and a root cause of our overall decline in well-being, including the incredible rise of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hormonal imbalances, cancers, and countless other ailments. We add to this toxic brew a mixture of medications, experimental drugs, lotions, gels, creams, powders, cleaning supplies, plastics, synthetic materials, and countless other household products that are infused with poisonous chemicals and substances, and we wonder why we have an explosion of autoimmune illnesses that change shape and form, shifting and mutating through the systems of the body.

Inflammation is the root cause of such ailments, bringing the healthy and balanced body into a state of imbalance, dysbiosis, and fundamental disturbance. This also expresses the logic of how we as human beings may have infinite reactions to toxic chemical substances pulsing through our veins. Each toxic substance mixes and mingles with our own particular history and story, and in this way can present itself differently within each individual, though certain patterns remain constant. Inflammation builds along these vulnerable fault lines, where genetic and karmic predispositions live.

This is The Great Poisoning of Man.

Along side this poisoning, the schedules that most human beings keep move in direct opposition to the natural rhythms of the days and the seasons, which we are also intimately intertwined with. We seem to be living under the total illusion that we can exist in conflict with these natural and cosmic forces, and that there will be no repercussions upon us at all.

We add to this the interwoven reality of a culture completely cut off from its emotional and spiritual life, which is the life of the soul, creating a perfect storm for illness, disease, depression, rage, grief, emptiness, listlessness, vacancy and apathy to take full possession of the human body, heart and mind.

No body system can fully digest and process the sheer amount of poisonous influences ( physical, mental, emotional, spiritual ) that are pumped through it in our day and age, and come out of this process unscathed. Considering this great poisoning, It is a miracle that we as human beings remain as vibrant as we are. It is truly a testament to the incredible wisdom of the human body, embedded within our very cells, which is a reflection of the wisdom of nature herself.

There are two rivers flowing now.

These rivers are moving in direct opposition to one another - one in accordance with the sacred forces of natural law, the other merging into the half-life of the synthetic and virtual machine.
When we step out of the flow of such incredibly destructive forces, which are the forces of this civilization, we fall back into the flow of nature’s divine river, which is the river of all organic life.

When we step out of the poisonous addictions of the inorganic stream, we cease to live in opposition to our own natural beauty, which is a symptom of self-loathing. We begin the process of allowing our luminous presence to unfold again through each and every living cell of our being.

We move back into alignment with our ancient and sacred order, the divine templates from which all human souls emanate, and we begin to embody, once again, the unique and exquisite beauty of our own being.

Do not be afraid to radiate this profound beauty, born of the substance of a trillion stars, reorganizing itself in the here and now into the incredible being that you are.

Embodiment as a State of Embrace