
AS an old retired Military analyst ( forensic historical corrilative) and since "history is the Engine of the future", in research of another subject for a Corporation, I found my notes while not inclusive of all, summarized part of the reason we arrive at this time in history. So I clean the collection bit ( not a writer ) and post here for others to contemplate. Be Well.
Politically “Elite” events not commonly known as Socialist/Communist “mindwar”

History Timeline - This is not inclusive by any means.

- 1840 - The socialist path. Saint - Simon a true Socialist, is the founder of Sociology as a tool for guilt association as well as socializing of society for political purposes.
- 1892 - Departments in Univ. of Chicago, Columbia Univ. , Univ. of Wisconsin with E.A. Ross who has career full of Socio-communist relations. Ross’s book “Social Control” (1901) is the textbook teaching how a few can gain control over Society. Albin W. Small, first Chair, taught Sociology as History, Economics, and Political Science.
- 1908 - Philanthropic Foundations entered, along with the Federal Reserve. Creating false economics and third party funding of subversive activities, via social cover. Alger Hiss was President of Carnegie Foundation. Rockefeller Foundation funded Sociology Chair Albin W. Small at Univ. of Chicago. The idea is: There is crime in the Slums, therefore slums cause crime-eliminate Slums, eliminate crime. Guilt Association.
- 1913 - Roscoe Pound, Saint-Simon. Socialized Law substitutes appointed Administrators for judicial Law. This to adjust social interests over the individual rights. Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter spoke about “ throughgoing overturning” of society. It must be done from the outside and translated by those in office.
- 1913 - Or, as the old Red dictum goes, "Communism must be built with non- Communist hands." To engage the non-Communist dupes in these endeavors, though, requires rhetorical camouflage and deception. A prime example of this rhetorical treachery can be found in the judicial revolution launched in 1913 with the Conference on Legal and Social Philosophy organized by Fabian Socialists Harold Laski, John Dewey, Morris Cohen, and Roscoe Pound. Cohen's son, Felix, later boasted that it is from this conference that "much of the social and philosophical consciousness of modern American jurisprudence derives." Felix Cohen openly proclaimed; It is impossible to attempt overthrow of Capitalism as an economic system without at the same time attacking the substance of capitalist law. As well, Federal Reserve pushed through Congress. Wilson hired, to effect this. Taft had to be defeated to elect this. Rockefeller & Morgan bought up 159 News Corporations, while J.P. Morgan financed the Roosevelt “Bull Moose” vote splitting campaign.
- 1916 - Dewey & Education 1916 - Socialist Leader John Dewey’s Textbook still used today, He said dependency is a power, individuality an illness. There-upon the sane are insane, the dependent is sane, as he needs the community. The collective is the norm. In 1934 ( L.I.D. ) League for Industrial Democracy had student groups in 150 colleges.
- 1917 - United States manipulated into WW! - coupled with - The arrest of antiwar dissenters under the Espionage and Sedition acts inspired the formation in 1917 of the Civil Liberties Bureau, which in 1920 became the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Rockefeller & other Fed Res. members gave 22, 000,000 dollars to the Russian rebels, solidifying their success. ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, and charter members like Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, were ardent Fabian Socialists identified with the Communist movement from the start of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.
- 1920 - The ACLU was founded in 1920 by a committee including Helen Keller, Roger Nash Baldwin, Crystal Eastman, Walter Nelles, Morris Ernst, Albert DeSilver, Arthur Garfield Hays, Jane Addams, Felix Frankfurter, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Rose Schneiderman. Its focus was on freedom of speech, primarily for anti-war protesters. These individuals were all Fabian Socialists, and started the NAACP as the partner in Agitation of the Blacks, not FOR the Black community
- 1921 - the Council on Foreign Relations group created. our initial shadow Government. The Elite who hired Wilson all joined, and recruitment of others began.
- 1926 - Communist Psychopolitics - The description of a course taught at the “Lenin Institute” to Americans sent by John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was member of the CFR - This course still exists. What is “Psychopolitics? The art & science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of Individuals, Officers, bureaus, and Masses and the effecting of the conquest of enemy Nations through “Mental Healing”. Psychopolitics, is a less known oblique to Geo-politics, dealing with molding the highest strata of the “Mental Healing” arena - through this effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through “mental Healing”. Objective, conquest through social chaos. Beria was the Professor of the 2 year course.
- 1929 - Depression ignited by the CFR. Via the Federal Reserve through the tightening of monetary policies to force out the private banking system. Destroying hundreds of small private banks. This intended to create banking monopoly, which it succeeded in doing.
Friday, May 6, 2022
- 1933 - Conclusion of the United States Bankruptcy, and the creation of all States as Corporations. WW2, was a need economic position, and I am skipping the political manipulation by the CFR, as the conclusion of WW2 created another challenge far greater than known by the common citizens of the Global community.
- 1934 LID - League For Industrial Democracy:The I.S.S. was founded in 1905 by Upton Sinclair, Walter Lippmann, Clarence Darrow, and Jack London. In the spring of 1921, the ISS held a vote regarding the name and goals of their organization. Harry Laidler announced: "the members of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society had declared themselves in favor of the change in name and purpose."[3] In November, [3][4] the organization assumed its new name and enlarged its scope to addressing society at large. They also presented their new guiding principle: "Education for a New Social Order Based on Production for Public Use and Not for Private Profit.
- 1945 - The United Nations Charter ( Not Treaty ) was signed. Here is one of the greatest lies perpetrated on the Global Public. The structural White Papers of the United Nations managed, and generated by 50 CFR members previously inserted into the United States and in concert with the RIIA of Great Britain. This action was handled by Alger Hiss of prior note, and Roosevelts right hand man. Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy, known to Roosevelt who casually dismissed the notification. Hiss was at both Tehran and Yalta. This begins the current living History, that gets us to today.
- 1946 - UNESCO Education is instituted. 1946 - 1948: 1948: UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy by Sir Julian Huxley (the first director-general of UNESCO, 1946-1948) is published, in which he declares: "The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background... Political unification in some sort of world government will be required...Tasks for the media division of UNESCO (will be) to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and cultures...to help the emergence of a single world culture... Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable." Excerpts from this volume was reproduced under the title, "A New World Vision" (The Humanist, March/April 1979), and the Fabian Socialist Huxley, who was named 1962 "Humanist of the Year," elsewhere said that humanism's "keynote, the central concept to which all its details are related, is evolution." Also, it was Sir Julian Huxley (brother of Brave New World author Aldous Huxley, and grandson of Thomas Huxley who was known as "Darwin's Bulldog" because of his defense of evolution)
- 1950 Korean War begins, a test of UN Doctrine by the Soviet Union, who is the Defacto Head of the United Nations thanks to “Alger Hiss” noted earlier.
- 1961 - Sir Julian Huxley creates the “World Wildlife fund” to coincide with his overt position on “Humanism”, “Globalism” coupled with “Eugenics” as the tree legged stool noted in “Psychopolitics”.
- 1963 - Kennedy is Assassinated
- 1965 - Vietnam War begins -
- 1970 - United Nations demands turning the United States into 10 regions with an operational office in each region. See attached powerpoint in print. Nixon folds.
- 1973 - Rockefeller & McCall, along with Hatfield ( OR ) set the Foundation for Regionalism, the beginning of LCDC. METRO is a part. Oregon has its own Shadow Government. Hatfield was one of the 10 favorite Russian visitor destinations. FBI.
- Conclusion of this very brief timeline. Every action, since 1945 and then, accelerated since the 1970 position of the United Nations, 1973 Rockefeller funding Oregon State University research project “Man and his activities as they relate to Environmental quality” has been instituted in Oregon. Deceiving most other States via the switch from treaty “Rio Accord”, not signed in 1992, to voluntary and illegally implemented as if in treaty. This by using the Political concept of the “Brundtland Report” via committee handled by G Harlow Brundtland - Vice President of the World Socialist Party.