If you don't know the truth or have freedom then what is life really about? Are we slaves to the system that dictates our very existence? Why do many follow the herd? Why are so many afraid to stand against the evil corrupt psychopaths? You have to ask yourself are humans Chattle for the so called elite running the manufactured reality they have created for us? What about the value of human life? The questions are many but few are looking for the ultimate divine uncensored pure truth. Most would rather become slaves with no freedom or value to humanity all because of fear. Is this what humanity has become? Our fore fathers fought for the freedom we have and if we don't fight for FREEDOM then what is the worth of life? Remember we are light energy beings visiting earth via a biological body. We are on a journey of learning and experiences from our creator. Is this very existence of life worth throwing in the garbage forever because your government told you so? Does your tell.lie.vision really mean that much? What happened to family, integrity, responsibility, dignity, individuality, free speech etc... I ask you to go back in history and learn why those people fought for freedom. Start looking at the American Republic before 1871 because evil people took that away from us and created the Corporate USA owned by the Queen of England and what America has become in 2021
Check this out https://puretruth407214157.wordpress.com/2021/06/28/the-road-to-serfdom-part-v-pay-no-attention-to-that-man-behind-the-curtain/