The world is plagued with violence caused by hatred and bitter rivalries that leads to warfares at many levels of human existence... both small and great, but at the very foundation of these violence are lies, deceit and interest in cheating others.
To combat this evil, our first course of action is the reinjection of truth back into the troubled world.
The greatest and worst conspiracy that spinned our world out of control inyo anarchy and chaos is the lie that izrael, it's people and or it's heritage as written all over in the Scripture could be stolen, hence the need for the creation of the doctrine of supperssesionism.
Negrit-Hebrews, we are here to destroy all froms of supperssesionism especially European supperssesionism Chief of which is khazarian supperssesionism or the ethnic Jewish-myth phenomenon!
We are Negrit-Hebrews or root Hebrews (Hebows Hibos Iboes Igbos) whose homes now is behind the Rivers of Zephaniah 3:10KJV Place.. which truly is at Rivers Niger and or Ethiope (not Ethiopia) place and it is in the Negroland otherwise truly called "Ndigboland" in the Subsahara where the Deuteronomic Grecian or Jesus ships came to carry the children over the waters!
We came there 7000 years ago after the escape of the remnants from behind the Rivers of Euphrates in ancient Babylonia and down to Ndigboland(Negroland) in the Subsahara (From Babylon to Timbuktu is a fake book) trying to explain this mangled truth tucked away originally in the hidden books of the Apocrypha at page 13 in the 40-45 verses of the book of Esdras 2...