ronments.Since Marine sponge Dysidea avara is regarded as a source of anti-inflammatory compounds, we decided to evaluate its potential anti-psoriatic activity in a psoriasis Imiquimod-induced in the mouse model. Psoriatic mice were treated with three different methanolic extracts of Dysidea avara compared with betamethasone-treated mice in in- vivo studies. Clinical skin severity was assessed with the psoriasis area index (PASI), whilst ELISA detected the expression of TNF-α, IL-17A, and IL-22. Dysidea avara activity was studied by employing GC-MS (to distinguish compounds), HPTLC (for skin permeation and accumulation), and SEA DOCK to predict single compound potential anti-inflammatory activity. After 7 days of treatment, mice treated with Dysidea avara displayed a dose-dependent, statistically significant improvement compared to controls (p less then 0.001). In line with the clinical results, ELISA revealed a statistically significant decrease in IL-22, IL-17A, and TNF-α after treatment; the same SEA DOCK analysis suggests a possible anti-psoriatic activity of the extracts.Inter-hospital patient transfers (direct transfers) between healthcare facilities have been shown to contribute to the spread of pathogens in a healthcare network. However, the impact of indirect transfers (patients re-admitted from the community to the same or different hospital) is not well studied. This work aims to study the contribution of indirect transfers to the spread of pathogens in a healthcare network. To address this aim, a hybrid network-deterministic model to simulate the spread of multiresistant pathogens in a healthcare system was developed for the region of Lower Saxony (Germany). The model accounts for both, direct and indirect transfers of patients. Intra-hospital pathogen transmission is governed by a SIS model expressed by a system of ordinary differential equations. Our results show that the proposed model reproduces the basic properties of healthcare-associated pathogen spread. They also show the importance of indirect transfers restricting the pathogen spread to direct transfers only leads to 4.2% system wide prevalence. However, adding indirect transfers leads to an increase in the overall prevalence by a factor of 4 (18%). In addition, we demonstrated that the final prevalence in the individual healthcare facilities depends on average length of stay in a way described by a non-linear concave function. Moreover, we demonstrate that the network parameters of the model may be derived from administrative admission/discharge records. In particular, they are sufficient to obtain inter-hospital transfer probabilities, and to express the patients' transfers as a Markov process. Using the proposed model, we show that indirect transfers of patients are equally or even more important as direct transfers for the spread of pathogens in a healthcare network.The huge amount of data acquired by high-throughput sequencing requires data reduction for effective analysis. Here we give a clustering algorithm for genome-wide open chromatin data using a new data reduction method. This method regards the genome as a string of 1s and 0s based on a set of peaks and calculates the Hamming distances between the strings. This algorithm with the systematically optimized set of peaks enables us to quantitatively evaluate differences between samples of hematopoietic cells and classify cell types, potentially leading to a better understanding of leukemia pathogenesis.
Published information on snakebite is rare in Bhutan although remarkably higher number of snakebites and associated deaths are reported from other South Asian countries.
Structured questionnaire was used to collect knowledge of health workers in snakebite management and health seeking behavior of snakebite victims as observed by health workers. Study was conducted in purposively sampled 10 Dzongkhags (district level administrative units) with higher incidence of snakebites.
Heath workers scored 27-91% (with an average of 63%, SD = 14) for 52 questions related to snake identification and snakebite management. Among 118 health workers interviewed, 23% had adequate knowledge on snakes and snakebite management while 77% had inadequate knowledge. Among 32 Doctors, 63% of them scored above or equal to 75%. Health workers from Sarpang scored higher (76%, SD = 11) than those from other Dzongkhags. Snakebite victim's visit to local (traditional) healers prior to seeking medical help from hospital was observed byand traditional beliefs on local treatment practices. Empowering health workers with adequate knowledge on snakebite management and making locals aware in pre-hospital care of snakebites are needed to improve the pre- and in-hospital management of snakebite in Bhutan.How do we scale biological science to the demand of next generation biology and medicine to keep track of the facts, predictions, and hypotheses? These days, enormous amounts of DNA sequence and other omics data are generated. Since these data contain the blueprint for life, it is imperative that we interpret it accurately. The abundance of DNA is only one part of the challenge. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and network methods routinely build on large screens, single cell technologies, proteomics, and other modalities to infer or predict biological functions and phenotypes associated with proteins, pathways, and organisms. As a first step, how do we systematically trace the provenance of knowledge from experimental ground truth to gene function predictions and annotations? Here, we review the main challenges in tracking the evolution of biological knowledge and propose several specific solutions to provenance and computational tracing of evidence in functional linkage networks.Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) comprises closely related species responsible for human and animal tuberculosis (TB). Efficient species determination is useful for epidemiological purposes, especially for the elucidation of the zoonotic contribution. In Algeria, data on MTBC genotypes are largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to investigate the occurrence and diversity of MTBC genotypes causing human and bovine TB in Northern Algeria. During a two-year sampling period (2017-2019) in two regions of Northern Algeria, we observed an overall prevalence of 6.5% of tuberculosis (TB) among slaughtered cattle, which is higher than previous Algerian data yet comparable to neighboring countries. A total of 296 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) isolates were genotyped by spoligotyping 181 from tissues with TB-like lesions collected from 181 cattle carcasses and 115 from TB patients. In human isolates, we identified 107 M. tuberculosis, seven M. bovis and one "M. pinnipedii-like", while for bovine samples, 174 isolates were identified as M.