ventris and S. vespertilio Kabata, 1979 are described for the first time. A key to the females of the 31 species of lernanthropids found in Australian waters is provided.The 34 species of Australian Psilota are revised, with 26 new species described (Psilota aislinnae Young sp. nov., Psilota alexanderi Young sp. nov., Psilota apiformis Thompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota auripila Young and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota azurea Thompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota bicolor Young and Ferguson sp. nov., Psilota brunnipennis Young sp. nov., Psilota calva Young sp. nov., Psilota darwini Young sp. nov., Psilota flavoorta Young and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota fuscifrons Young sp. nov., Psilota livida Young and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota longipila Thompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota mcqueeni Young sp. nov., Psilota metallica Thompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota nigripila Young sp. nov., Psilota occidua Young sp. nov., Psilota pollinosa Young and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota purpurea Thompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota smaragdina Young sp. nov., Psilota solata Young and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota spathistyla Young and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota spinifemur Young sp. nov., is Walker, 1858, Psilota coerulea Macquart, 1846, and Psilota viridis Macquart, 1847.Indian taxa of the genus Cyana Walker, 1854 are reviewed. Five new species and three new subspecies are described C. rudloffi Volynkin N. Singh, sp. nov., C. atlanteia N. Singh et al., sp. nov., C. chrysopeleia N. Singh et al., sp. nov., C. dohertyi eirene Volynkin N. Singh, ssp. nov., C. britomartis N. Singh Volynkin, sp. nov., C. arama metis Volynkin N. Singh, ssp. nov., C. dryope Volynkin N. Singh, sp. nov. and C. conclusa nicobara N. Singh et al., ssp. nov. The replacement name for C. tripunctata Rothschild, 1936 nec. Reich, 1935 is introduced C. arorai Volynkin et al., nom. nov. Cyana linatula (Swinhoe, 1891), stat. rev. and Cyana watsoni Hampson, 1897, stat. rev. are restored to species rank from the synonymy with Cyana subornata (Walker, 1854) and Cyana moelleri (Elwes, 1890), respectively. Cyana paeninsulana Černý, 2009 is downgraded to a subspecies of C. selangorica (Hampson, 1903) C. selangorica paeninsulana Černý, 2009, stat. nov. Cyana flavotincta (Draudt, 1914) is downgraded to a subspecies of C.ri Elwes, 1890, Cyana watsoni Hampson, 1897, Bizone gazella Moore, 1872, Bizone dohertyi Elwes, 1890, Bizone sikkimensis Elwes, 1890, Cyana khasiana Hampson, 1897, Bizone bellissima Moore, 1878, Bizone arama Moore, 1859, Bizone triguttata Walker, 1869, Bizone adita Moore, 1859, Bizone bifasciata Poujade, 1886, Bizone signa Walker, 1854, Bizone fasciculata Walker, 1856, Bizone perornata Walker, 1854 and Bizone conclusa Walker, 1862.Leocrates Kinberg, 1866 and Leocratides Ehlers, 1908 are two genera of hesionid errant annelids (Hesionidae, Hesioninae) whose species have 16 chaetigers (21 segments). Leocrates species are free living in rocky or mixed bottoms, whereas Leocratides species are usually symbiotic with hexactinellid sponges. Marian Pettibone revised both genera as part of the R/V Siboga Expedition monographs 50 years ago, and most of her ideas have remained unchallenged regarding synonymy for genera and species. For example, she included three genera as junior synonyms of Leocrates Lamprophaes Grube, 1867, Tyrrhena Claparède, 1868, and Dalhousia McIntosh, 1885, and from 21 nominal species, she regarded only eight as valid. In this revision, all material available was studied, and different morphological patterns were noted in nuchal organs lobes, pharynx armature, and chaetal features. Leocratides species belong to a single pattern; however, in Leocrates several patterns were detected. Three patterns are present for nuchal orga18 from different World localities are described as new. The new species are Lamprophaea cornuta n. sp. from the French Polynesia, L. ockeri n. sp. from the Hawaiian Islands, L. paulayi n. sp. from the Red Sea, L. pettiboneae n. sp. from the Marshall Islands, L. pleijeli n. sp. from La Réunion, L. poupini n. sp. from the French Polynesia, Leocrates ahlfeldae n. sp. from India, L. harrisae n. sp. from the Revillagigedo Islands, L. mooreae n. sp. from New Caledonia, L. reishi n. sp. from the Marshall Islands, L. rizzoae n. sp. from the Seychelles Islands, L. rousei n. sp. from Papua New Guinea, L. seidae n. sp. from the French Polynesia, Leocratides jimii n. sp. from Madagascar, Paralamprophaea bemisae n. sp. from the Maldives, P. crosnieri n. sp. from Madagascar, P. leslieae n. sp. from Kiribati, and P. meyeri n. sp. from the French Polynesia. However, Leocrates japonicus Gustafson, 1930 is a nomen nudum. Keys are included for identifying all hesioninae genera, and for all species in all the included genera.The leaf beetle subfamily Chrysomelinae is reviewed for New Zealand. The native fauna consists of six genera, three new, all of which are described Aphilon Sharp, 1876; Caccomolpus Sharp, 1886; Chalcolampra Blanchard, 1853; Mauroda gen. nov.; Nanomela gen. nov.; Zeaphilon gen. nov.. Chalcolampra is the senior synonym of Cyrtonogetus Broun, 1915 (comb. nov.). These genera include 51 species, nine newly described and eight in new combinations, as follows Caccomolpus laticollis (Broun, 1893) comb. nov., from Aphilon; C. pretiosus (Broun, 1880) comb. nov., from Aphilon; Chalcolampra crassa (Broun, 1915) comb. nov., from Cyrtonogetus; Maurodus arcus sp. nov.; M. cinctiger (Broun, 1921) comb. nov., from Caccomolpus; M. impressus (Broun, 1914) comb. nov., from Aphilon; M. lepidus sp. nov.; M. maculatus (Broun, 1893) comb. nov., from Caccomolpus; M. nunni sp. nov.; M. occiduus sp. nov.; M. ornatus (Broun, 1910) comb. nov., from Caccomolpus; M. owenensis sp. nov.; M. plagiatus (Sharp, 1886) comb. nov., from Caccomolpus; M. supernus sp. nov.; Nanomela tiniheke sp. nov.; Zeaphilon marskeae sp. nov.; Z. mirandum sp. nov.. All 11 species in the genus Maurodus are described and a key given for their identification. Type material of the New Zealand species of Aphilon (10 species), Caccomolpus (14 species) and Chalcolampra (13 species) is reviewed and lectotypes designated for 16 species, as well as M. cinctiger. A type species is designated for Caccomolpus C. globosus Sharp, 1886. Holotypes are confirmed for 26 species. Seven genera and 13 species of exotic Chrysomelinae also occur in New Zealand and their presence is briefly reviewed. One of these exotics has been misnamed as Paropsisterna variicollis (Chapuis, 1877), a junior synonym of P. cloelia (Stål, 1860) (syn. nov.). A key to all genera of Chrysomelinae in New Zealand is provided.